开发者 | jnewmano |
更新时间 | 2014年1月5日 12:55 |
捐献地址: | 去捐款 |
PHP版本: | 2.8 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 3.0.1 |
directoryDepending on when you subscribe to our service it can take anywhere from 1 minute to 6 hours for the information to become available. Once subscribed, the information will be updated every 6 hours. We know that this is a long time, but be patient, it's worth it. If after 6 hours you still don't see anything, send us an email or post a comment on our blog and we'll help you out.
Due to cost and other restrictions we are unable to send updates more than once every six hours. However, with small donations we can make adjustments to individual accounts and allow updates up to every 2 hours and disable the ads.
In order to support this service we insert small ads into your blogroll. These ads can be disabled for one week by managing the widget and clicking on disable ads for one week. To disable them permanently please make a small donation.