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Blue Utopia Donate Now

开发者 blueUtopia
更新时间 2013年6月6日 00:14
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


donations contributions donation plugin donation widget blueutopia blue utopia online fundraising donation page nonprofit donations campaign donations political campaigns donate page donate plugin


1.0.0 1.0.1


This plugin allows you to quickly and easily add a Donate Now button to your WP site that connects your visitors directly to your primary custom-branded Blue Utopia donation page. About the Blue Utopia Donation System The Blue Utopia Online Donation System is used by thousands of progressive political campaigns and nonprofits to raise more money online. Why does the Blue Utopia system raise more money online than most others? Limitations and Requirements


  1. Upload blueutopia to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Enter in your API key.


  • Standard Donate Now Buttons
  • Template Blue Utopia Donate Page
  • Donate Now Configuration
  • Standard Donate Now Buttons
  • Template Blue Utopia Donate Page
  • Donate Now Configuration
  • Standard Donate Now Buttons


How do I find my Blue Utopia API Key

  1. Log into your admin panel at
  2. From the main dashboard area, click account, then click the api key tab.
  3. You should see your API key here.

How do I change Donate Now to something else?

From the WordPress admin panel, go to the Appearance / Widgets page. If the Blue Utopia Donate Now plugin has been added to your page, you should see it on the right side of the page. You may need to click the arrow to see all the fields that can be customized but once you do, you will see the textbox for simply change the Title

How can I customize the look of the Donate Now button?

The button comes with over 20 pre-canned colors, all with a professional css look. If you want to choose a different color go the widget, as you did above, and select a different option corresponding to the style selection. To completely remake the look and feel of the button or to change the coloring to a color that is not available in the drop-down, you will need to ftp in to your server, go to the install folder here: /wp-content/plugins/blueutopia/assets/styles, and customize the bg colors (example below).

  • background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #xxxxxxx, #xxxxxxx); (you would change the xxxxx to your preferred top and bottom shade of colors.

Where do I see my donations?

You can see all your donors and donations in real-time in the Blue Utopia online dashboard. Here, you can see your up-to-the-minute fundraising totals, pending-recurring donations, monthly reports, and much more.

Is it possible to link to a secondary transaction page such as an event?

Not with this plugin. This plugin is limited to your primary donation page only and at the time of this writing, a plugin to link to secondary pages is not available. Try searching for any more recent plugins or call us at 866.297.4904


1.0.1 1.0