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Bluetrait Connector Client

Developer mwdmeyer
Update Time Oct. 24, 2016, 5:54 a.m.
PHP Version: 3.5 +
WordPress Version: 4.6.1


plugin security statistics admin stats projects logging helpdesk monitor invoices audit btev bluetrait timesheets


1.0.0 1.1.0


Bluetrait is a cloud-based, easy to use help desk, timesheet, invoicing and program management system. This plugin allows you to use your existing WordPress user database for Bluetrait to authenticate to. Your users can now easily log support tickets or login to your Bluetrait site without them needing to sign up for a new account.


  1. Download
  2. Unzip
  3. Upload to wp-content/plugins
  4. Activate within Wordpress Admin Panel


KEY Note: Release Date is DD/MM/YYYY :) 1.1.0 (Released 23/10/2016)