This Facebook widget will provide you a simple and attractive way to display your Facebook Page like box within your WordPress sidebar or custom widget area.
Facebook Widget Options
- Responsive
- Show the following tabs: timeline, events, messages
- Width
- Height
- Hide cover photo
- Show friend's faces
- Hide the custom call to action button (if available)
- Use small header
Facebook Shortcode Options
In addition to the widget, you can also add the Facebook like box anywhere with a shortcode.
[bne_facebook_widget url="" tabs="timeline, messages" width="500"]
Shortcode Arguments:
- url - The full URL to the Facebook page
- tabs - A comma separated list of tabs to display within the widget. Options: timeline, events, messages
- width - The pixel width of the widget. Minimum is 180 and Maximum is 500.
- height - The pixel height of the widget. Minimum is 70.
- hide_cover - Hide Cover Photo. Options: true or false
- show_facepile - Show Friend's Faces. Options: true or false
- hide_cta - Hide the custom call to action button (if available). Options: true or false
- small_header - Use Small Header. Options: true or false
- adapt_width - Adapt to widget container width. Options: true or false