Linux 软件免费装


更新时间 2017年3月5日 04:07
PHP版本: 3.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7.2
版权: MIT


login customizer branding slug login page live lolitaframework lolita framework



If you have an open vacancy for me, please feel free to email with me. Thank you for downloaded my plugin. If you have any questions that are beyond the scope of this help file, please feel free to email via my email. Thanks so much! Make your login page beautiful. Customize your WordPress login page. Branding allows you to quickly and easily create stylish and professional login screens which extend and incorporate the look and feel of the host website and/or the target management interface. Development team The plugin was created by Guriev Eugen, who continues to lead the development. Contributing Any help is appreciated. The project is open-source and we encourage you to participate. You can contribute to the project in multiple ways by: Links


To get started, just install the included plugin in your downloaded file from envato market.
  1. Take a cup of coffee
  2. Log in your wordpress site as admin
  3. Goto Plugins > Install > Upload Plugin
  4. Browse your downloaded file and select
  5. Upload and activate!
  6. Finish, you can use the plugin immediately!
Ohh... The cup is still full... It's so fast to make the plugin ready to use.


  • Theme 1.
  • Theme 2.
  • Theme 3.
  • Theme 4.
  • Theme 5.


1.0 First commit