A page builder that is fast & easy, Brizy is a next-gen website builder that anyone can use. No designer or developer skills required. Once you go Brizy, nothing else feels easy!
Fixed: Center align option for arrows in the Accordion element
Fixed: Cover image repeat issue
New: Auto install for Brizy Starter Templates
Fixed: Fixed attachment post type exclusion
Fixed: Remove attachment post type from post type list from editor config
Fixed: Lost global colour styling
Fixed: Include inline JS scripts depending on their priority
Fixed: Preventing directory traversal on get icon
2.3.33 - 2022-03-10
New: Import and Export Saved Blocks, Popups, Layouts
New: Show progress on story when autoplay is on
Improved: Increased the number of history snapshots from 10 to 20. Happy Ctrl-Z-ing
Improved: SEO for Video element
Improved: Plugin Cross-Site Scripting
Fixed: Link to slide in Web Stories
Fixed: Undo and redo in Text element
Fixed: Text styles after pasting text from outside the builder
Fixed: Random global blocks are not saved in Global block list
Fixed: Posts include and exclude select
Fixed: Style for Counter element in Firefox
Fixed: Vimeo video background loop
Fixed: Countdown restart after finished
2.3.32 - 2022-03-04
Fixed: Security fix
2.3.31 - 2022-03-02
New: Collaboration tool option in left sidebar
Improved: Changed max value for counter element
Improved: Selecting dropdown options in Post filter option
Improved: Cache for dynamic content images
Improved: Performance on extracting images, avoid creating duplicate of images when the sizes are bigger than image, removed functions and all data sent to editor regards to download_images from s3
Improved: SQL query for attachment id
Improved: Optimize save global blocks
Fixed: Avoid load duplicates images in the editor
Fixed: Original image width and height
Fixed: Width for sidebar custom attributes
Fixed: Links on buttons when global blocks are missing
Fixed: Gradient color for buttons
Fixed: External Popups font assets
Fixed: Form hidden field send only label
Fixed: Premade popup designs available only in PRO
Fixed: View as for membership roles in builder
Fixed: Separators in responsive and hamburger dropdowns in the left sidebar
Fixed: Accordion active tags
Fixed: Hide go to dashboard for reseller partners
Fixed: Removed dependency asset storage of asset proxy processor
Fixed: Custom fonts endpoint
2.3.30 - 2022-02-09
Improved: Form element - added Loading animation to button after submit
Fixed: Form element - Hidden field not working correctly
Fixed: Video element - gets muted after cover image is added
Fixed: Tabs element - options not working on responsive views
Fixed: Tabs element - orientation and style not working on responsive views
Fixed: Tabs element - duplicate options in right sidebar on responsive views
Fixed: Blocks get reordered when only global blocks exist in page
Fixed: Menu element - jumping on hover when border opacity is 0 in normal mode
Fixed: Columns and Rows - image background hover not working
Fixed: Global blocks conditions in custom post types
Fixed: Section Background Video error when loop is enabled
Fixed: Slider and Carousel element - dots not positioned correctly
2.3.29 - 2022-02-03
Fixed: Font url validation
Fixed: Do shortcode on render brizy content of the shop page
Fixed: Brizy and Complianz – GDPR/CCPA Cookie Consent plugin incompatibility
Fixed: Saves scripts relative to the plugin main folder
Fixed: WPML menu switcher, WPML sync menu, WPML fatal error on duplicate non brizy posts
Fixed: Brizy Overview dashboard widget
Fixed: Allow br tags on render lead list in admin dashboard
2.3.28 - 2022-01-17
Fixed: Color and align for text element
2.3.27 - 2022-01-14
New: Added border, background-color and shadow for content
New: Added Image width px unit for svg and gif type
Improved: XSS in RichText and all Links
Fixed: Login entered information error
Fixed: Dashboard news
Fixed: Update pot file and corrected some strings translations
Fixed: Fatal error on duplicate page with wpml, restore asset url by wp option siteurl
2.3.26 - 2022-01-10
Improved: Removed icon ids
Fixed: Video with cover was not playing on click
Fixed: Upload form field could not be edited if placeholder is off
Fixed: Form error messages
Fixed: Added compatibility with the plugin Perfmatters
Fixed: On export templates check if the license key is valid
Fixed: Tell the editor if the current user is admin
Fixed: Do not load scripts in header and footer when they are build it with Astra Pro and template is brizy blank template
Fixed: WPML Menu switcher is missing from Brizy pages
Fixed: Escape the script contents for non adminstrators users (This vulnerability was discovered by Vishnupriya Ilango of Fortinets FortiGuard Labs)
2.3.25 - 2021-12-20
Fixed: Image size select
Fixed: Search by layout name
Fixed: Custom css characters transformed to unicode in preview
Fixed: Form select scroll
Fixed: Increased the returned post count on brizy_get_pots
2.3.24 - 2021-12-13
Fixed: Included all composer files
2.3.23 - 2021-12-13
Fixed: Switching weights on custom uploaded fonts
Fixed: Select dropdown width on Countdown
Fixed: Responsive corrections in Seo Agency layout
Fixed: Added brizy_attachment_uid to attachments
Fixed: Show WooCommerce notices on templates for products
Fixed: Menu improvement
Improved: Need help URLs in Form app integrations
2.3.22 - 2021-12-02
Fixed: Global blocks conditions
Fixed: Black stripes after image crop
2.3.21 - 2021-11-30
New: Size options when you upload .svg and .gifs files in Image element
Fixed: Remove rel attributes for style to solve some plugin conflicts
Fixed: Button align and width on Login element
Fixed: Labels correspond with input id in the Form element
Fixed: 505 error when you use extra large retina images
Fixed: Text alignment when it is in a list for certain fonts
Fixed: Color for bullet points
Fixed: Removed the form placeholder name from dropdowns on the front end
Fixed: Form pattern attribute
Fixed: Individual IDs and CSS classes for Icons and Buttons
Fixed: Decode html entity on export leads
Fixed: Blurred images with TranslatePress plugin installed
Fixed: Added display block by logged-in users
Fixed: Show in preview blocks by role even the user has the role of administrator
Fixed: Syntax error in CSS when you have custom CSS
Improved: Drag and Drop performance
2.3.20 - 2021-11-10
Improved: Added system check at the plugin startup
Fixed: Black line on resized images
Fixed: Avoid using the WP image functions for getting image sizes
2.3.19 - 2021-11-09
New: Select original image in the Image Element
New: Select original image for the dynamic image element
Improved: Updated the Google fonts library
Fixed: Google fonts search option was not working correctly
Fixed: Image is cut in full height option
Fixed: The fonts no longer intersect for element tabs
Fixed: End option on Vimeo videos
Fixed: Border Shadow options display
Fixed: Border top on tabs in responsive
Fixed: Media file upload position
Fixed: Counter goes only to 100 in preview
Fixed: Text sometime data-href is empty (Internal 500 error on the front-end)
Fixed: Select drop-down options in the contact form are not showing the selected font
Fixed: Allowing redirects on loading our iframe, so you can use theme default templates
2.3.18 - 2021-10-18
New: 3 design layout packs
Improved: Added autoplay and loop options for the Video element
Improved: Added swipe to Carousel element and for block sliders
Improved: Icon for Post element
Fixed: Do not translate Company Name when there is white label
Fixed: Suppress language when wpml media translation is active on extracting our fonts
Fixed: Brizy template is not applying for Password-Protected pages
Fixed: Do not redirect when woo option Default customer location is set to Geolocate
Fixed: Encode and decode leads with utf-8
Fixed: Set compiled html to the post content, allow SEO plugins parsing our content.
Fixed: Remove product_visibility taxonomy from template conditions
Fixed: Compile page in the WordPress admin panel if the page is created with Brizy
Fixed: Save focal point when saving posts
Fixed: Error Brizy could not load the content on blog page
Fixed: Anchor scroll
Fixed: Global Blocks Screenshots
Fixed: Minimum size for Spacer element
Fixed: Membership placement
Fixed: Post Content Rich-text element
2.2.10 - 2021-03-23
Fixed: Remove product_visibility taxonomy from template conditions
Fixed: Compile page in the admin panel if the page is created with Brizy
Fixed: Save focal point on post save
Fixed: Sorry, Brizy could not load the content on blog page - 2021-03-09
New: Form input file label is now editable
Improved: Sections with Membership enabled now have an indicator icon
Fixed: Some images could experience blurriness
Fixed: Clicking Global Blocks conditions options would do nothing
Fixed: Carousel content flicker
Fixed: Carousel options in responsive mode
Fixed: Form Submit align option
Fixed: Form Custom HTML template copy to clipboard
Fixed: Form Integrations Popup scroll in Safari
Fixed: Accordion drag and drop
Fixed: Accordion adjusting browser scroll position even when not needed
Fixed: Slider Prev and Next buttons outline
Fixed: Slider padding option
Fixed: Image sizes
Fixed: Timeline border CSS
Fixed: Typography option issues in Safari
Fixed: Slider option CSS
Fixed: Saving a block or a layout would fail if the browser did not support screenshot saving
Fixed: Browser back button not working after clicking an anchor to a block on the page
Fixed: Do not render Terms page on checkout if it created with Brizy
Fixed: White label prefix for multi-site
Fixed: Compatibility with BBpress plugin
Fixed: Page shop as front page template issue
Fixed: Exclude rule
Fixed: Dynamic content in Membership block
Fixed: Get post lists API
Fixed: Compatibility with ThemeFuse old themes
Fixed: Avoid duplicate global blocks on create blocks
Fixed: Add script dependencies from placeholder
Fixed: Preview for autosaves
Fixed: Archive element on Author archive template not available
Fixed: Possibility to crop an image by its Dynamic URL
Fixed: Updated .POT file
Fixed: Added an alert comment when removing a function used in other plugins
Fixed: Global Blocks would not appear in category pages made with Brizy Template
Fixed: PostContent CSS
Fixed: WooCommerce Add to Cart CSS
2.2.8 - 2021-02-16
New: Membership functionality
New: Accordion content animation
New: IconText icon link
Improved: Publish toolbar CSS
Fixed: Colorpicker minor issues
Fixed: Drag & Drop for 'absolute' positioned elements
Fixed: Timeline CSS
Fixed: Embed CSS
2.2.7 - 2021-02-02
New: Added animation option for Accordion content
Improved: Code refactoring and optimization
Fixed: Custom Video CSS option
Fixed: Images with absolute position no longer blurry
Fixed: Get taxonomies bug
Fixed: Removed duplicate dynamic content call
Fixed: Restore template from trash
Fixed: Avoid cloud call crash
2.2.6 - 2021-01-14
Fixed: Global Popups
2.2.5 - 2021-01-13
Fixed: Insert Brizy buttons in the editor
2.2.4 - 2021-01-12
Fixed: WOOCart toolbar activating from beneath the backdrop
Fixed: Sections width on tablet and mobile
Fixed: Global blocks
Fixed: Accordion when content not displayed in viewport
Fixed: Rich-text color style on Copy / Paste
Fixed: Rich-text font size on mobile view
Fixed: Custom video in popup
Fixed: Login hover on field
Fixed: Login authorization
Fixed: Stepper on editor in Astra theme
Fixed: Video open in fullscreen on iPhone
Fixed: Options in the right sidebar
Fixed: Slider with padding
Fixed: Global Popups
Fixed: Editor UI Slider options
Fixed: Layout CSS for IE
Fixed: Section custom attributes option not acception spaces
Improved: Move elements on top when editing posts with Brizy
Improved: Polling stop send ping only take over
Improved: BlocksData get blocksData from S3
New: Added margin option in Header
New: Added WooCommerce default Products Page to Pages element
2.2.3 - 2020-12-10
Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.6
2.2.2 - 2020-12-09
Fixed: Compatibility with WP 5.6
2.2.1 - 2020-12-07
Improved: Templates images
Updated: Google Fonts
Fixed: Ping request
2.2.0 - 2020-12-03
New: 7 Pre-made Layouts and Landing pages
Fixed: Image with included SVG source
Improved: Reduced plugin size
2.1.5 - 2020-11-13
Fixed: Product single page
2.1.4 - 2020-11-12
Fixed: Popup scroll inner content
Fixed: GlobalBlocks revision
2.1.3 - 2020-11-11
Fixed: EasyWp images
Fixed: Error in abstract shortcode
2.1.2 - 2020-11-10
Fixed: Form failing to submit when having multiple Text field
2.1.0 - 2020-11-05
Improved: Reduced the number of divs at preview
Improved: Reduced the size of JavaScript at preview
Improved: reCAPTCHA is now displayed after the user submits the form instead of at load
Fixed: Image sizing when in a MenuPro mobile menu item
Fixed: the_content/placeholder replace recursion
2.0.16 - 2020-10-29
Fixed: Page content extractor
2.0.15 - 2020-10-28
Improved: PlainText editor (used in Button, Accordion, Tabs, etc) now accepts copy / paste
Improved: The Sync with Brizy Cloud Popup is now less annoying
Improved: Login element icon
Fixed: Screenshots were taking way too long to make for certain blocks
Fixed: Making a Saved block would sometimes fail because of the block id
Fixed: Carousel element would crash when dragging it's last slide out of it
Fixed: Images inside Menu element were having sizing issues
Fixed: MenuFree css issues
Fixed: Color toolbar option css issues
2.0.14 - 2020-10-13
New: Audio element loop option
Improved: Video element will be lazy loaded in browsers that support it
Improved: Menu element icon
Fixed: Tab element scrollTop animation on mobile mode
Fixed: Clear Layout button visible for non admin users
Fixed: Custom Attributes option not accepting data attributes
Fixed: Animations in popups were not replayed after reopens
Fixed: Video Play button appearing over Popup
Fixed: Form element sometimes working improperly on failed submits
Fixed: Icons CSS issues caused by the Twenty Twenty theme
Fixed: Scroll on WP Media Gallery not working properly
Fixed: Removed regex matching for head and body. There are cases when we hit the backtrack limit configured in php.ini.
2.0.13 - 2020-09-23
Fixed: Ignore old blocks on sync
Fixed: Main editor page html syntax
2.0.12 - 2020-09-16
Fixed: Form submission action bug
2.0.10 - 2020-09-14
Fixed: Cloud sync
2.0.9 - 2020-09-11
Fixed: Blured images
2.0.8 - 2020-09-11
Fixed: Video on Cover in Pop-up
Fixed: Make global to normal
Fixed: Embed element in Popup
Fixed: Icons in preivew
Fixed: Form radio and checkbox
Fixed: Responsive for prompt form integrations
Fixed: Published Global Popup
Fixed: Button margin
Fixed: GlobalBlocks in preview
Fixed: Replaced some calls to file_get_contents with Brizy_Editor_Asset_StaticFile::get_asset_content
Fixed: Shortpixel bug
Fixed: Added global context for dynamic content
Fixed: Fixed template rule form
2.0.7 - 2020-08-25
Fixed: The white label support url
Fixed: Edit With Brizy is not displayed when using Gutenberg
Fixed: The creation of the uid when a revision is provided
Fixed: Mail template has only one value in all placeholders
2.0.6 - 2020-08-18
Fixed: Screenshots not working with Embed with scripts in it
Fixed: Memory issue that was causing a few projects to not work at preview
Fixed: Duplicate button not being shown for slider inside a global block
Fixed: Countdown not displaying properly bigger numbers
Fixed: PostContent css issue
Fixed: Some icons did not work at preview
Fixed: Site health loopback error
Fixed: Include elementor_library as post type in template conditions
Fixed: Show all public post types in the rules of the template
Fixed: Post demo content in the editor
Fixed: Fixed license page
Fixed: Apply the content filters for default template
Fixed: Dynamic content does not have a demo post
Fixed: Fixed the default rule when product template type is saved
Fixed: Updated the screenshot migration to contnue migration if the post is invalid (has no valid meta)
Fixed: Changed the reqex that extract the shortcodes to understand html encoded quotes
Fixed: Fixed cloud sync for restored databases
Fixed: Post Info and #author render the display_name of the user
2.0.5 - 2020-08-07
Fixed: Preview, clean empty id
Fixed: Conflict between Menu and Lottie
Fixed: Templates rules for white label enabled sites Fixed support URL-s filters
Fixed: Image optimization PHP version fix
2.0.4 - 2020-08-06
Fixed: Support URL filters
2.0.3 - 2020-08-06
Fixed: Sync process bugs
Fixed: Allow to continue the sync process if there are block with deleted assets
Fixed: Recaptcha integration and leads saving
Fixed: Exclude rule bug
Fixed: Changed session status check
Fixed: Short pixel key validation
Fixed: Product tags filter in rule options
Fixed: Some placeholder labels
Fixed: Button spacing
Fixed: Button color in Mobile menu
Fixed: Countdown element
Fixed: Import/Export images
Fixed: Icons many requests, CORS CDN
2.0.2 - 2020-07-31
Fixed: Plugin version
2.0.1 - 2020-07-31
Fixed: Declared property
Fixed: Removed code that does not work in older PHP version
Fixed: Deleted unnecessary files from all dependencies we use extended the Image element (added fixed px size)
Improved: Plugin loading
Improved: Sent post directly in the get_the_content post content element
Improved: Increased the size limit of Image population to 5000px
Improved: Enabled shape option on responsive for all Sections
Fixed: Section tag name
Fixed: Global block toolbar icon
Fixed: Removed content editable attribute on texts at preview
Fixed: Toolbar positioning inside popups
Fixed: TextEditor at undo / redo
Fixed: Background video loop
Fixed: Form select responsive width at preview
Fixed: Section padding resize width
Fixed: Ignore empty data values when updating global blocks
Fixed: Changed the update global blocks to allow to update blocks without sending the data
Fixed: Revision for compile page on preview
Fixed: Compatibility with TranslatePress (Language by GET parameter)
Fixed: Compatibility with LiteSpeed plugin
Fixed: Missing translation ready strings
1.0.126 - 2020-06-03
Fixed: Security fixes
1.0.125 - 2020-06-02
Fixed: Security fixes
1.0.124 - 2020-04-25
New: Switched Nucleo icons for Font Awesome
1.0.123 - 2020-04-14
Improved: The message when the page was edited from another tab or window is now clearer
Fixed: Search Element not appearing in the elements list
Fixed: Popup conditions bug
Fixed: Saved popup blocks not being shown in the global popup editor
Fixed: Mobile menu now closes when clicking on an anchor link from it
Fixed: Edit sub-pages with Brizy
Fixed: Load feedback and widget news only for admin users
Fixed: Hide Gutenberg of WordPress 5.4
1.0.122 - 2020-03-27
Fixed: Progress element text editor
Fixed: Hidden population options
Improved: RichText toolbar doesn't overlap the text
1.0.121 - 2020-03-27
Fixed: Added backward compatibility with old PRO plugins
1.0.120 - 2020-03-26
Fixed: Failed to enqueue script Select2
1.0.119 - 2020-03-25
Fixed: Tooltip position
Fixed: Brizy content for subpages
1.0.118 - 2020-03-25
New: Notification system for errors and if two users work on the same page.
New: Maintenance Mode
New: Add a Get Help link
New: Shortcut, press Esc key to select parent container
New: Added toggle options to make the More settings right sidebar sticky
New: Changed the template rules to allow users to create templates for posts from a specific category
New: Added compatibility Broken Link Checker
New: Added compatibility with SeoPress
New: Added compatibility with RankMath
New: Add Maintenance Mode Link in the admin toolbar
New: Changed the template rules to allow users to create templates for posts from a specific category
New: Added compatibility Broken Link Checker
New: Added compatibility with SeoPress
New: Added compatibility with RankMath
New: Add Maintenance Mode Link in the admin toolbar
Improved: Added 2 styles for Progress element
Improved: Added icons, vertical/horizontal options for Tabs element
Improved: Added icons, tags for the Accordion element
Improved: Added styles, redirect, message for the Countdown element
Improved: Added 3 styles for the Counter element
Improved: Element toolbar doesn’t cover the content you are editing anymore
Improved: Optimised and re-written options in the builder for Border, Box Shadow, Code Mirror, Color Picker, Image upload, Input Text, Multi Select, Element Toolbar, Select, Slider, Switch, Tabs, Toggle, Textarea, Typography
Fixed: Enable/Disable editing with Brizy
Fixed: Brizy post revisions
Fixed: Brizy templates that are using the default theme template
Fixed: Enable/Disable editing with brizy
Fixed: Refactoring the post type field in editor config
Fixed: Post field shortcode to use a sample post for templates
Fixed: Brizy post revisions
Fixed: Brizy templates that are using the default theme template
Fixed: Removed header To from email headers
1.0.117 - 2020-03-12
Fixed: Export errors for certain users
Fixed: Removed header 'To' from PHPMailer
1.0.116 - 2020-03-10
Fixed: Removed local Lato font
Fixed: Removed Europa Font
Fixed: Removed IowanOldStyleBT-Bold Font
Fixed: Use jQuery from WordPress
Fixed: Removed all possible screenshot extensions al leaved only jpeg
Fixed: Force jQuery enqueue.
Fixed: Removed some unused code added Select2 as a dependency
Fixed: Removed Site Settings feature as this was never used
1.0.115 - 2020-03-10
Fixed: Removed Nucleo
Fixed: Added Font Awesome4
Fixed: Removed all possible screenshot extensions al leaved only jpeg
Fixed: Force jQuery enqueue.
Fixed: Removed some unused code added Select2 as a dependency
Fixed: Removed Site Settings feature as this was never used
1.0.114 - 2020-02-12
Fixed: Builder settings page access
1.0.113 - 2020-01-30
Fixed: Column settings with column draggable
1.0.112 - 2020-01-24
Fixed: WpMediaUpload buttons
New: Added new Layouts to free
1.0.111 - 2020-01-22
Fixed: PHP warning in RuleSet class
Fixed: Changed the code to return the exception thrown by wp_mail