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Customizer Plus Lite

开发者 bitorbit
更新时间 2018年7月3日 16:31
PHP版本: 4.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post page customizer customize override



Customizer Plus Lite is simple but powerful plugin which allows you to override WordPress Customizer settings on individual pages and posts. With Customizer Plus Lite you can create per page or per post customization settings - e.g. you can use Customizer Plus Lite to show or hide widgets on specific page or post or to modify any other customization settings (like header image, colors or any other settings depending on the theme or plugin(s) which you are using). Typical use cases: Customizer Plus Lite works with all Customizer options on any theme added using WordPress Customizer API, including any 'option' and 'theme_mod' setting types and also including Widgets settings. With Customizer Plus Lite you can override Customizer settings on pages, blog posts and custom post type posts. Customizer Plus Lite is compatible with Customizer Export/Import plugin. What is NOT supported:


  • Customizer Plus Lite - override disabled
  • Customizer Plus Lite - override enabled