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Plugin Name

开发者 johnjamesjacoby
更新时间 2009年8月9日 03:51
PHP版本: 2.7.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.1 trunk


integration buddypress wpmu bbpress buddybar deep bundle


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3


BuddyBar for bbPress adds the BuddyPress "BuddyBar" to a bbPress1.0.1 installation (Requires deep integration)


BuddyBar for bbPress requires WordPressMU, BuddyPress, and bbPress. It also requires "deep integration" which can be achieved by adding the code below to the top of your bb-config.php file. if ( !defined( 'ABSPATH' ) & !defined( 'XMLRPC_REQUEST' )) { define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', false ); // // You will need to get the ABSOLUTE path to this file | // \|/ include_once( '/your/absolute/path/to/wordpress/wp-blog-header.php' ); header( "HTTP/1.1 200 OK" ); header( "Status: 200 All rosy" ); } Use the included abs.php tool to assist you in getting the absolute path. Using will not work here. --- Plugins: ---
  1. Upload bp-buddybar.php into the "/my-plugins/" directory of your bbPress installation.
  2. Activate BuddyBar for bbPress in the "Plugins" admin panel using the "Activate" link.
--- Themes: --- This plugin will use the existing BuddyPress CSS, so no additional theme files are necessary. --- Upgrading from an earlier version: ---
  1. Overwrite the /my-plugins/bp-buddybar.php file with the latest version.
  2. This plugin does not require any changes to your database.


Will this work on standard WordPress?

No, this will only work on WordPressMU for the time being.

Do I need to use deep integration for this to work?



1.0 - Initial Release 1.0.1 - Bump to match new bbPress version 1.0.2 - Add JavaScript for menu mouse-overs; Check for deep integration; Add absolute path tool. 1.0.3 - Add check to make sure BuddyBar isn't hidden by BuddyPress or WordPressMU