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BuddyPress Profile Progression

开发者 G.Breant
更新时间 2013年3月27日 17:42
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: WP 3, BuddyPress 1.2 及以上
WordPress版本: WP 3.0.1, BuddyPress 1.2.6


profile stats BuddyPress bar progress bar progression




BuddyPress Profile Progression is a simple plugin that adds a progress bar in the member profile, which displays the percentage of datas filled.


WordPress 3 and above
  1. Check you have WordPress 3.0+
  2. Download the plugin
  3. Unzip and upload to plugins folder
  4. Activate the plugin.
As we wanted to keep this plugin very simple, there is no options page, but you can read the FAQ if you want to customize it deeper.


  • Stat as displayed on a member profile


How can I change the progress bar image or texts ?

For the image, replace the file progress_bar.png inside the plugin template. It must be 100px width.\ If you want more control on how the infos are displayed; use the hook filter "bppp_progress_bar".

How can I retrieve the percentage of profile complete for a member ? (in another plugin, in a template, ...)

Use the function bppp_get_profile_percentage_complete($user_id). If $user_id is not set, the displayed user id will be used instead.

Some of my fields are more important than others. Is it possible to reflect this in the stat ?

Yes. By default, each field has 1 points. The plugin counts the fields then calculates a percentage based on each field points and the total points for the profile. If you want to give more or less points to a field, use the filter "bppp_get_field_points".

