Get the possibility to remove multiple things in one time is a useful feature. With that simple extension you can have full control of your menus!
Main features:
- Check / Uncheck multiple menu items
- Collapse / Expand multiple menu items
- Ajax system (No need to reload)
Security Improvements
- Added nonce verification for all AJAX requests
- Implemented rate limiting to prevent abuse
- Added proper capability checks for menu item operations
- Sanitized and validated all input data
- Added transaction handling for database operations
- Improved error handling and user feedback
Code Quality
- Refactored to use WordPress coding standards
- Improved class structure using singleton pattern
- Added proper type checking and validation
- Implemented proper menu item ownership verification
- Improved error handling with try-catch blocks
- Added proper database transaction handling
- Added rate limiting mechanism
- Optimized database queries
- Improved transaction handling
- Reduced unnecessary AJAX calls
JavaScript Improvements
- Added proper data validation before sending
- Improved menu item ID handling
- Added proper error handling for AJAX requests
- Implemented proper UI feedback during operations
- Added disable state for submit button during processing
- Fixed menu item selection handling
UI/UX Improvements
- Added success/error messages for user feedback
- Improved menu item selection interface
- Added expand/collapse all functionality
- Added check/uncheck all functionality
- Improved visual feedback during operations
Bug Fixes
- Fixed menu item ID handling
- Fixed multiple submission issues
- Fixed transaction rollback on errors
- Fixed menu item ownership verification
- Fixed UI state management
Code Organization
- Separated concerns between PHP and JavaScript
- Improved function naming and organization
- Added proper WordPress hooks and filters
- Improved asset loading and localization
- Added proper text domain handling
- Update checkbox style
- Add compatibility for WordPress 6.7.1
- Remove PHP Notices (WP Localize)
- Fix bug single check menu items
- Remove rating link 😉
- Reorder code with Object-Oriented PHP System
- Hide native WordPress Bulk Edit Feature
- New design
- Add rating link 😉
- Prefix functions to prevent conflict
- Add FR Translation
- Fix some button hover
- Change button layout
- Add Collapse / Expand Features
- Fix bug generating multiple check_all button
- Rename function to prevent crashing