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Campaign Monitor Forms by MailMunch

开发者 mailmunch
更新时间 2015年4月27日 00:15
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


leads form newsletter campaign monitor email form optin form signup newsletter form signup form signup forms campaign monitor form campaign monitor newsletter campaign monitor plugin campaign monitor widget campaign monitor subscribe




Campaign Monitor Forms by MailMunch allows you to painlessly add Campaign Monitor sign up forms to your WordPress site. The Campaign Monitor form captures the lead and sends it to specific Campaign Monitor lists automatically. You can set it to no op-in, opt-in, or double opt-in. You can add Campaign Monitor forms to posts, pages or sidebar, and also open it as a popup or top bar. Simply sign up and connect your Campaign Monitor account into the plugin admin settings and it will pull in all your Campaign Monitor lists. From there you can choose the lists you want to make forms for.
What is Campaign Monitor? Campaign Monitor is one of the best email marketing tools. [vimeo] Our improved signup plugin for Campaign Monitor will proactively sign-up new subscribers to your Campaign Monitor newsletter list. Our forms offer the same basic features that Campaign Monitor's official plugin, but also much more. In addition to the form, analytics will help you track the number of form views and subscriptions. Sign-Up Forms Easily create sign-up forms for your Campaign Monitor list and display it as a popup, embedded widget or a top bar. Features


This section describes how to install the Campaign Monitor plugin and get started using it. Version 2.8+
  1. Unzip our archive and upload the entire campaignmonitor-mailmunch directory to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Look for "Campaign Monitor" in the WordPress admin menu and click it
  4. Sign up and create your first Campaign Monitor optin form
  5. Choose the Campaign Monitor optin form type: Popover, Embedded or Top Bar
  6. Connect Campaign Monitor and choose a list
  7. Start collecting user emails and growing your Campaign Monitor subscriber list!
Advanced If you are using Wordpress v3.0 or higher, you can use the short-code given during the Campaign Monitor form creation. It will look something like this: [mailmunch-XYZ]


  • This is the Campaign Monitor optin form designer by MailMunch where you can customize your optin form
  • The second step is configuring your Campaign Monitor form for things like when to show it, how often to show it, and where to go after they subscribe
  • This is the integration step where you can connect your Campaign Monitor account
  • This is the final step where you can publish your Campaign Monitor form to all or selected posts, categories or pages
  • And finally, we have the Campaign Monitor form working live on your blog - increasing your Campaign Monitor subscribers :)
  • A Campaign Monitor connected form example from a user site
  • Another Campaign Monitor connected example from a user site


Our Campaign Monitor email newsletter list builder helps WordPress users build their audiences online. Why people use Campaign Monitor


What in the world is Campaign Monitor?

Campaign Monitor is full of useful, powerful email marketing features that are easy to use whether you're an email marketing expert, or a small business just getting started. To learn more, just check out: Campaign Monitor

Do I need to have a Campaign Monitor Account?

Yes, you can register for one for free at Campaign Monitor.

Do I need to have lists already set up in Campaign Monitor?

Yes, you have to have at least 1 list set up in Campaign Monitor.

What do I do first?

The first step is to activate the plugin and sign up. Then we will guide you through the process of connecting your Campaign Monitor account and choosing the list. This is done on the WordPress admin "Campaign Monitor" menu page.

Do I need Campaign Monitor's API Key?

You don't have to worry about that. We will guide you through the Campaign Monitor flow.

How do I add my Campaign Monitor lists?

After you connect your Campaign Monitor account, the plugin will fetch all of your Campaign Monitor list information and load it into the plugin admin. You can simply choose the Campaign Monitor lists you want to make forms for.

How do I add the Campaign Monitor sign up forms to my site?

We offer a variety of forms: Popups, Embedded, Top Bar, etc. You can choose which pages, posts or categories to show Campaign Monitor form on. You can also use a shortcode to add a Campaign Monitor form to a specific area in a page or post. Everything is done visually.

Does this plugin slow down my site?

Absolutely not. Campaign Monitor by MailMunch is designed with high performance and scalability in mind. It's completely asynchronous and hosted on Amazon's highly scalable infrastructure. Some of our customers have very high traffic websites.

How many more emails will list builder help me get?

Most people see a 100% to 500% growth in their Campaign Monitor email subscribers.

