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Category Template Hierarchy

开发者 eddiemoya
更新时间 2012年3月24日 11:12
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: unknown 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.2.1


plugin theme template category hierarchy category template theme development parent category subcategory template hierarchy child category




Adds parent-category.php and child-category.php with all the normal hierarchical behavior of the native category templates. This greatly extends the natural hierarchy of theme templates with regard to categories. Theme developers can now easily create separate templates for categories with have children, the children themselves, and categories which are neither. Also adds is_parent_category() and is_child_category() functions for easy use in themes. Note: This plugin does not actually create parent-category.php, child-category.php or any of their related templates - rather it modifies the native [template hierarchy]( to allow theme developers to create specific templates for parent and child categories


  1. Upload plugin-name.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress


= 1.0.5 Please upgrade to 1.0.5 - Packaging problem fixed. Several basic bug fixes 1.0.3 Please upgrade to 1.0.3. is_parent_category() and is_child_category() bugs fixed. 1.0.2 Please upgrade to 1.0.2. Bugs in 1.0.1 and below may cause some category templates to map incorrectly. 1.0.1 Please upgrade to 1.0.1. Bugs in 1.0 may cause a white screen.


Do you have any Frequently Asked Questions?


Why not?

Because I only just recently released the plugin. I feel that I've done a decent job of documentation, so I can't guess what people may ask on this broadly applicable plugin.

Can I ask you a question

Please do! Feel free to ask on the tools provided right in the WordPress plugin directory, or on my website No, plugins are not loaded during installation. For alternative solutions see "Other manifestations, alternative solutions" on the plugin home page.


1.0.5 1.0.3 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0