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ChatBot Blocker by CellarWeb

开发者 rhellewellgmailcom
更新时间 2024年8月31日 04:24
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPL2
版权网址: 版权信息


robots chatbot robots.txt AI chatgpt


1.02 1.00 1.01 2.01 2.00 2.02


You can block ChatGPT and Bard and other compatible AI scanners from using your site content by adding specific commands to your site's virtual robots.txt file. Note that an actual robots.txt file in your site root will override the virtual commands. The plugin also adds your sitemap.xml file to the virtual robots.txt file.


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Unzip it
  3. Upload the unzipped folder to wp-content/plugins directory
  4. Activate and enjoy!
Or you can simply install it through the admin area plugin installer.


Where do I find the settings for this plugin?

It's all automatic, but you can see the current virtual robots.txt settings via the Settings page. This is because the virtual file is automatically created by WordPress when the robots.txt file is requested.

What are the default settings created with this plugin?

Default settings are: ```

User-agent: * Disallow: /wp-admin/ Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php Sitemap: # Added by CellarWeb Chatbot Blocker plugin Version 2.00 (3 Mar 2024) (begin) # Blocks ChatGPT bot scanning User-agent: GPTBot Disallow: / # Blocks Bard bot scanning User-agent: Bard Disallow: / # Blocks Bing bot scanning User-agent: bingbot-chat/2.0 Disallow: / # Blocks Common Crawl bot scanning User-agent: CCBot Disallow: / # Blocks omgili bot scanning User-agent: Omgili Disallow: / # Blocks omgilibot bot scanning User-agent: Omgili Bot Disallow: / # Blocks Diffbot bot scanning User-agent: Diffbot Disallow: / # Blocks MJ12bot bot scanning User-agent: MJ12bot Disallow: / # Blocks anthropic-ai bot scanning User-agent: anthropic-ai Disallow: / # Blocks ClaudeBot bot scanning User-agent: ClaudeBot Disallow: / # Blocks FacebookBot bot scanning User-agent: FacebookBot Disallow: / # Blocks Google-Extended bot scanning User-agent: Google-Extended Disallow: / # Blocks SentiBot bot scanning User-agent: SentiBot Disallow: / # Blocks sentibot bot scanning User-agent: sentibot Disallow: / # Added by CellarWeb Chatbot Blocker plugin Version 2.00 (3 Mar 2024) (end) ```

What about other chatbots scanners?

We'll add them to the plugin when we find them. And the latest list will automatically be enabled by the plugin. Use the support pages for the plugin for requests.

Whare do I add more settings?

We recommend using WP standards to add to your virtual robots.txt file.

How do I see the actual virtual robots.txt file?

Use the URL of , replacing '' with your actual site domain name. There is a link on the Settings, Reading screen under the virtual robots.txt box created by the plugin.

What if I have an actual (not virtual) robots.txt file in the root of my site?

The actual file will override any virtual settings. The screen will show a warning message below the display of the virtual settings if an actual file is found in the site's root folder.

Why do I want a robots.txt file?

The robots.txt file is used by responsbile bots to scan only the files that you want to be scanned. The plugin adds commands to block the AI bots from scanning your site and using your content. There might be some bots that ignore the robots.txt directives. This is not common, but there is no easy way to block those irresponsible bots.

Should I put SEO Optimization commands in the robots.txt file?

You could, but they won't be effective. There are better ways to do SEO optimization.

Where can I learn more about how site crawlers work and how they use the robots.txt file?

Here is a general guide by Google and here is the WordPress SEO documentation.


2.02 (30 Aug 2024) 2.01 (9 Mar 2024) 2.00 (3 Mar 2024) 1.03 (29 Feb 2024) 1.02 (27 Feb 2024) 1.01 (1 Nov 2023) 1.00 (28 Oct 2023)