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Chatbot widget

开发者 Beno�t Bottemanne
更新时间 2009年7月13日 22:16
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8


Widget WordPress WordPress Plugin Sidebar ai Voice Speak Speech Artificial Intelligence




Conversational Widget designed to simulate an intelligent conversation with humans. This Artificial Intelligence Agent can talk to your visitors like a real person!


  1. Download and unzip
  2. Place chatbot-widget.php in your blog's plugin subdirectory (e.g., /wp-content/plugins/).
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins tab of your blog's administrative panel.
  4. Go to the Widgets page from the Presentation tab.
  5. Click the 'Add' link on the widget to add the widget to the appropriate sidebar.
  6. Click the 'Edit' link on the widget's placeholder to open the settings form.
  7. Use the form to adjust any of the settings to fit your preferences and save the sidebar settings.
  8. Click the 'Save' button on the settings form.
  9. Click the 'Save Changes' at the bottom of the Current Widgets section. You should be able to see the sidebar on your front page.


I installed the plugin but can't see it. What's wrong?

If the widget doesn't show up on the Widgets page:

  • Check to make sure the plugin was uploaded to the widgets subdirectory.
  • Check to make sure the widget plugin is activated. If the widget doesn't appear on the sidebar once the plugin has been added:
  • Make sure the plugin has been added to the correct sidebar.
  • Be sure to save changes on the settings form and in the Current Widgets section.
  • Make sure the directory name is entered correctly on the settings page

The widget doesn't work with my theme. How can I fix this?

This widget has been tested on a number of themes and is compatible with all truly widget-ready themes. However, certain formatting settings are "locked" in the code. The code isn't locked in stone, however. You may be able to edit the PHP file to adjust things to your particular code. You may also contact the plugin author for suggestions; these may result in a better plugin in the future.