This is the great
ChatKaizen WordPress plugin. It allows you to insert a small chat widget at the bottom-right corner of all the pages you want in your WordPress blog. Therewith, your web visitors can
contact you in real time!
You (the
subscriber) and your partners (here known as
operators) await your web visitors' inquiries
from anywhere using as many Android devices as you want. Those Android devices need the
ChatKaizen Android App installed. Please, read on for details.
- Multiple operators: in order to better attend your web visitors, you are able to associate multiple operators to your ChatKaizen account.
- Personal service: whenever a visitor of your web starts a conversation, all operators are notified in their Android devices, but after the first operator answers, the conversation gets bound only to him/her.
- Offline drop-in: if, for any reason, there are no online operators available at a certain time to attend your web visitors, the chat widget drops-in into an email delivery form (offline messages will be sent to the subscriber registerd account via email).
- Centralized configuration: you manage all your account configuration, e.g. adding/removing operators, from your ChatKaizen site's account dashboard.
- Visitor notifications: if the current operator suffers a network disconnection, the web visitor gets notified and inmediatly given the option to send an email to complete the current process.
- Operator notifications: a sound and a vibration is produced in the operator's device whenever a new message enters, just like other messaging apps, like WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.
- Independent conversations: as you know, your web visitors are anonymous by default; ChatKaizen assigns a new random ID for each new conversation, keeping them separate.
- Conversation history: your Android device stores all past conversations.
- Customization: you can customize the messages and language for your chat widget.
- Instant messaging: ChatKaizen uses the XMPP protocol internally (like Jabber), to deliver messages to all parties without significant delay.
How it works
ChatKaizen consists of two components:
- a chat widget (which this plugin provides) and
- an Android application.
Once you install the widget on your web site (i.e. using this WP plugin) and the Android application on your Android device, they get seamlessly connected and your web visitors are able to contact you in real time.
You need a ChatKaizen account created in the
ChatKaizen site. There you can get the Android application, manage your account and get detailed instructions.
Go now to the
ChatKaizen site and sign up for your
FREE account (currently,
only Gmail accounts are supported).
NOTE: Only the subscriber (e.g. you or the person who first signed on the ChatKaizen site) needs a ChatKaizen account. All other operators need nothing but the application be sent to them and installed in their Android devices (e.g. via email, bluetooth, or any method of your convinience).
- Upload the
directory to your /wp-content/plugins/
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress admin's interface;
- Check that the plugin shows in your blog pages: the chat widget will display a notice
Bad Configuration
. This is right, go to step 4;
- Go to the ChatKaizen site and login to your account;
- Follow the instructions in your account's dashboard (e.g. configure your website's domain, etc.);
- Copy your subscriber KEY, go back to your WordPress admin's interface and insert that KEY in the ChatKaizen plugin settings page.
- Customize any other settings you like in the ChatKaizen plugin settings page;
- Get all the operators logged in with the ChatKaizen Android application (currently, only Gmail accounts are supported for the operators; just create them if you need to).
- Done! Await your web visitor's inquiries!
At any time, you can manage your account settings, e.g. adding/removing operators, from your
ChatKaizen account dashboard.