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WP Core Editor

开发者 wipeoutmedia
更新时间 2014年11月15日 00:32
PHP版本: 3.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.0
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


development editor plugins syntax highlight cjt cjte core files error checker core editor WordPress core




The WP Core Editor extension plugin for CJT gives you all the tools for editing WordPress core files. If you need to quickly make changes to your wp-config.php file or adjust some security policies in your .htaccess file, then this plugin can help you.


  1. Install and Activate the CJT Plugin
  2. Install/Upload and then Activate the file using the WordPress Plugin uploader


  • WP Core Editor
  • WP Core Editor
  • WP Core Editor
  • WP Core Editor
  • WP Core Editor


How do I change themes for the Wordpress Core Editor?

You would need to purchase, install and activate the CJT Developer plugin.

How do I get the toolbar icons to show for the Wordpress Core Editor?

You would need to purchase, install and activate the CJT Developer plugin.

How do I get the Code Auto Completion feature to work for the Wordpress Core Editor?

You would need to purchase, install and activate the CJT Developer plugin. To use this feature on either a Mac or a PC, the hot-key combination is Control + Space (i.e. Ctrl + Space bar)

