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click to action

开发者 compu245
更新时间 2025年1月2日 18:00
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


appointment email floating buttons call click-to-action




The Floating Chat Widget plugin adds modern floating action buttons to your website, enabling users to quickly get in touch via various communication channels including phone, email, chat apps (WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat, etc.), appointment booking, feedback, and more. These buttons are highly customizable through the admin settings panel, where you can configure each button's link. It's an easy-to-use and highly effective way to improve customer engagement and support. Features:


  1. Download the plugin .zip file.
  2. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins > Add New.
  3. Click on Upload Plugin and select the downloaded .zip file.
  4. Click Install Now and then activate the plugin.
  5. Once activated, go to Floating Buttons in the WordPress admin menu to configure your settings.


  • **Admin settings page** - Easy-to-use interface for configuring the floating action buttons.
  • **Contact buttons setup** - Simple configuration for setting links for WhatsApp, Call, Appointment, etc.


1.0 Initial release. No upgrade required yet.


How do I customize the appearance of the floating buttons?

Currently, the appearance is controlled by the plugin's CSS file. You can customize the appearance by editing the style.css file located in the plugin's css/ directory.

Can I add more buttons?

Yes, you can add more buttons by extending the plugin code or by editing the fab_add_buttons function in the plugin. For advanced users, you may also add custom buttons in the admin settings page.

Do I need any additional plugins?

No, this plugin works independently and does not require any additional plugins.

