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Closify Maestro - Image uploader and live gallery builder

开发者 aelbuni
更新时间 2017年6月25日 08:22
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.9 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.8
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


google plugin links photo photos email image gallery image gallery gallery lightbox media slideshow responsive slideshow photo gallery photo album upload images jquery portfolio image upload management jpg png picture pictures thumbnail system media upload portfolio gallery filterable gallery galleries filterable portfolio portfolio plugin best portfolio images gallery image slider image slideshow album image album gallery slider best gallery plugin free photo gallery media gallery photo albums responsive galleries responsive gallery eps grid gallery slide show Gallery Plugin image lightbox image gallery plugin add gallery add pictures best gallery approval photogallery Polaroid gallery foto photoset gallery image plugin gallery multi categories gallery add galleries add picture mobile gallery mobile galleries responsive photo gallery easy media gallery fotoalbum fotogalerie galary galeri galerie galerij galery gallary Galleria gallerie gallery decription gelary gellary gellery jquery gallery multiple pictures collage pagination gallery pagination portfolio photoalbum plugin for gallery responsive wordpress photo gallery seo image upload images upload photos batch upload multiply images upload view images view pictures wordpress portfolio plugin live gallery dynamic gallery gallery builder multi image uploader frontend image upload manage upload manage uploads approval system tiff upload ai upload psd upload gif upload frontend uploader frontend upload approve upload notification


1.9.1 1.9.2


Official website DEMO 程序文档 概观 Smart and responsive image uploader that accepts wide range of common image types (PNG, JPEG, GIF, PSD, AI, EPS, SVG, TIFF and BMP). Closify press is a wordpress plugin, that has a comperhensive image storing and processing features, it comprises of backend management panel where you can create unlimited number of two modes image uploaders that conceptually work as album containers, the first mode is for uploading single image with predefined dimensions, and the second mode is for uploading multiple images in a single shot. Closify accepts wide range of image type (PNG, JPEG, GIF, PSD, AI, EPS, SVG, TIFF and BMP). Administrator can place multi/single image uploaders using automatically generated shortcode. The plugin is responsive, rich, and intelligent with flexible and intuitive backend front-end elements. What is unique about Closify that it does record all of the uplading images for each registred user, so that it can build dynamic and live gallery in a form of modern HTML/CSS collage that has 6 different effects. The galleries can be gathered and built using a convenient shortode generator "Closify Editor Plugin" for TinyMCE. Using shortcode generator for galleries, you can build galleries based on three filter elements (Albums, Usernames, and Roles). Its totally responsive, rich, and intelligent with flexible and intuitive backend control panel. What Closify Press can do for your website? = It provide a custom uploader with a convinient modern image collector. = losify helps you manage image uploads seperately through a strong backend approval system, so that you can make sure no images will display into a dynamic live gallery without approval. = It supports upload auto-approval in case your confident was high enough for the users. = It support responsive Email notification for new uploads. = Developer friendly, developers will have many Wordpress filters and actions that they can use to extend this plugin to a higher degree. Features: Brief list of features: Progress Bar Drag and Drop


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working. 例如: Using The WordPress Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for 'Closify Maestro'
  3. Click 'Install Now'
  4. Activate the plugin on the Plugin dashboard
Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the 'Upload' area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click 'Install Now'
  5. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard
Using FTP
  1. Download
  2. Extract the closify-maestro directory to your computer
  3. Upload the closify-maestro directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate the plugin in the Plugin dashboard


  • 自适应的界面
  • Easy uploader customization
  • Build elegant collage from user images
  • Global settings
  • Closify Gallery Builder
  • Closify gallery builder page
  • Closify multi-image uploader creation page
  • Review & approve upload page
  • Generate image gallery shortcode with ease using special TinyMCE editor plugin
  • Closify single pre-defined image uploader creation page
  • Pre-defined image dimension and quality uploader
  • Get email notification when user upload new images


= - Full compatibility update with Wordpress 4.5


Frequently Asked Questions


= 1.3 (2014-11-12) - Initial release (Read docs for more detailed information) = 1.4 (2014-12-10) - Fixed horizontal minor image upload bug - Fixed typo in configuration page - added two new shortcode attributes (user_id + disable_menu) - Fixed progress bar styling = 1.5 (2014-12-11) - Increased multi-image upload performance - Eliminate temp file needs for multiple uploader - Added support for (eps, tif, ai, psd and svg) - Extra enhancements = 1.6.1 - Complete code redesign for the single image uploader - Complete responsive mobile handling redesign with quality test - Now uploaded images are all been stored in a temporary location where every image need to be reviewed & approve before it get stored in Media Library. - Update theme options - Performance improvement - Mobile touch fixes for iOS/Android - Add disable preview option - Changed initial button opacity to 0.8 - Fixed multi-image uploader initial generation error - Remove responsive option = 1.6.2 - Removed faulty responsive feature - Added enforceInfo option for both Single/Multi uploaders - Now user can add title and description that will be stored with the attachment - Replaced Touch-Punch and jquery-ui with wordpress native options - Add Thickbox effect for closify - General enhancements - Expand mobile support = 1.6.3 - Secure the plugin against the XSS vulnerbility for WP 1.4.1 - Compatible with 1.4.2 - Fixed the iOS hidden input text issue by removing no-select. - Adding new shortcode to build collage for user images, not finished "needs finalization" - Fixed font css loose declaration - Compress libraries (JS, CSS) - Unify font styles and files, and fixed minor CSS issues - Fixed post_status problem, to fix non-approved files visibility problem. = 1.8 (2015-09-21) - Add gallery builder feature - TinyMCE plugin for closify to facilitate building flexible galleries - Add email notification feature for new uploads - Add auto-approve feature - General improvement for code base - Add two new themes for multi-image uploader - Add building collage capability with 6 different effects - Add lightbox integration for gallery display = 1.9 (2015-10-04) - Added new flexible table to record upload information - Fixed multiple multi-uploader drawbacks - Enhanced the overall operations and performance = 1.9.1 - Added version to js files and css = 1.9.2 - Security enhancements - Increase multi-image uploader stability - General code redesign to enable rapid futuristic feature updates = - Get rid of warning message while creating index.php file inside of the upload folder - Fixed Bulk user selection in the TinyMCE closify plugin - Security enhancements - Increase multi-image uploader stability - General code redesign to enable rapid futuristic feature updates - Enjoy! = - Full compatibility update with Wordpress 4.5