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CloudWok File-Upload

开发者 markusklems
更新时间 2016年12月15日 18:08
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.4.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


upload facebook file upload s3 feedback box google drive dropbox microsoft onedrive upload form



Receive files directly in your Dropbox folder, Google Drive folder, S3 bucket, folder, or Facebook photo album. With the CloudWok file-upload plugin you can let others upload files to your cloud storage. There are two ways how you can add the CloudWok file-upload widget to your blog posts or pages: With the CloudWok WordPress plugin, you can embed a cloudwok file-upload form into your own website or blog. Visitors of your website can upload files that are transferred directly into your connected Dropbox folder (or Google Drive folder, ...). This means: For example, with the CloudWok Wordpress plug-in, you can: If you have questions, feedback, or trouble, please contact me via e-mail: or open a thread in the support forum. Thanks!


How to install the plugin and get it working in 5 minutes. Create a CloudWok:
  1. Go to and create an account.
  2. Create a CloudWok that is either connected to a folder in your Dropbox, Google Drive, account or other cloud storage accounts that are supported by CloudWok.
  3. After you have created a Wok, you get a URL to an upload website, such as this: The last four letters are your "wok id" (in this example: AneJ).
Install the plug-in via WordPress Plugin Directory: The easiest way to install the plugin is through the "Plugins" menu item on the left-hand sidebar in your WordPress admin panel (see screenshots).
  1. Click on "Plugins"
  2. Click on "Add New"
  3. Search for the term "CloudWok"
  4. Select the CloudWok plugin and install it.
  5. Activate the plugin.
Manually install the plug-in: Alternative to the installation method via WordPress plugin directory, as described before, you can also manually install the plugin:
  1. Upload cloudwok.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Use the plug-in: There are two ways how you can add the CloudWok file-upload widget to your blog posts or pages: The following configurations only apply to the "old" CloudWok shortcode. If you need further customizations, please use the "new" way, as described above. [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_powered_by_link="True"] In the example, replace YOUR_WOK_ID your actual wok id (a four-letter id, such as "AneJ"). By default, the file-upload widget shows a file-upload button (and drag & drop area) and after file uploads shows the uploaded files in a list. You can configure the shortcode as follows: You can also combine the options of the shortcode, as in this example: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_uploads="False" show_downloads="True" show_form="True" show_powered_by_link="True"] You can customize the message form as follows to let uploaders enter their e-mail and/or name: Thereby, you gain the ability to more easily correlate files that are uploaded to your Dropbox, Google Drive, etc. with the name and/or e-mail of the person who uploaded these files. Since version 0.3.5 of this plugin, you can disable the dropzone and show a simple file-upload button instead: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" simple_file_upload_button="True" show_powered_by_link="True"] Since version 0.3.7 of this plugin, you can disallow file uploads, for example to only show the list of downloadable files in your Google Drive, Dropbox, ...: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" allow_upload="False" show_downloads="True"] Since version 0.3.8 of this plugin, you can disable the success message that shows after a successful file upload: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" hide_upload_success_message="True" show_powered_by_link="True"] Since version 0.4.0 of this plugin, you can pre-fill the e-mail and name fields with values from the current WordPress user: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True" show_form_input_email="True" prefill_form_fields="True"] Since version 0.4.1 of this plugin, you can make the first name and last name fields required: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True" required_firstname="True" required_lastname="True"] Since version 0.4.2 of this plugin, via invisible_form_input_name you can let the plugin submit the wordpress user name when a user uploads a file without showing the input fields to your user: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_uploads="True" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True" prefill_form_fields="True" invisible_form_input_name="True"] Since version 0.4.3 of this plugin, via hide_form_message_text="True", you can show user name and email input fields without the message text area: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True" required_firstname="True" required_lastname="True" show_form_input_email="True" hide_form_message_text="True"] Since version 0.4.4 of this plugin, via success_message_title="YOUR OWN TITLE", success_message_subtitle="YOUR OWN SUBTITLE", success_message_text="YOUR OWN TEXT", you can customize the message that is shown to your users after a successful file upload: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" success_message_title="YOUR OWN TITLE" success_message_subtitle="YOUR OWN SUBTITLE" success_message_text="YOUR OWN TEXT"] By default, a small "powered by" text-link to is disabled. If you like our plug-in, we would appreciate it if you would enable the link via [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_powered_by_link="True"]. Since version 0.5 of this plugin, we have added an admin panel to the left-hand sidebar (Settings > CloudWok) where you can customize the layout of the plugin with more flexibility. The old shortcodes still work, however, they will not be further extended with new customization features. The new approach (via Settings admin panel) will be updated in upcoming releases of this plugin.


  • Go to to generate a customized HTML code of the file-upload widget.
  • Copy the HTML code.
  • Paste the HTML code into the text area located at your WordPress admin sidebar (Settings > CloudWok) and click "Save".
  • Edit your blog post. Copy the shortcode into your blog post text where you want it to show.
  • Now the file-upload form shows up in your WordPress blog post.
  • (old/legacy approach) Shortcode that adds a file-upload form to a blog post.
  • How to install the plugin via the WordPress plugin directory.


No upgrade notices, at the moment.


0.5.3 Fixed incompatibility with WP 4.5+. 0.5.2 Increase default column size to 65536 bytes (characters) so that even very long embed codes can be saved. 0.5.1 On some custom WordPress installations the settings page does not work if central php config files cannot be accessed. This update helps tracking down and reporting possible issues that occur in these cases. 0.5.0 New shortcode feature. Create a customized widget via the Settings > CloudWok menu in the admin sidebar. The old shortcode still works but will not be further developed. Please use the new shortcode to customize the CloudWok widget. 0.4.4 You can now use success_message_title="YOUR OWN TITLE", success_message_subtitle="YOUR OWN SUBTITLE", success_message_text="YOUR OWN TEXT" to customize the message that is shown to your users after a successful file upload. 0.4.3 You can now use hide_form_message_text="True" to hide the message text area from the message form. For example, show user name and email input fields without the message text area: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True" required_firstname="True" required_lastname="True" show_form_input_email="True" hide_form_message_text="True"]. 0.4.2 You can now use show_form_input_name="True" in combination with the new invisible_form_input_name="True" to let the plugin submit the wordpress user name when a user uploads a file without showing the input fields to your user. Thereby you know who uploaded the file without need to let your uploader enter her/his name. 0.4.1 Added ability to make first name / last name fields required: required_firstname="True" and required_lastname="True" 0.4.0 Minor change to make feature introduced in 0.3.9 work in all cases. 0.3.9 Minor feature improvement: pre-fill message form with e-mail, first name, and last name of a logged in WP user. 0.3.8 Bugfix to make this feature work: disable the success message after a successful file upload, via hide_upload_success_message="True". 0.3.7 You can now use the shortcode also to only allow downloads via allow_upload="False". Thereby, you can, for example, place one cloudwok shortcode on a page that only allows uploading and another shortocde on a page that only allows downloading. Both shortcodes can reference the same wok id (i.e., the same Dropbox or Google Drive folder). 0.3.6 You can now disable the success message after a successful file upload, via hide_upload_success_message="True". 0.3.5 Added option to show only simple file-upload button in lieu of dropzone via simple_file_upload_button="True" shortcode attribute. 0.3.4 Added feature to customize labels and texts (see here: This will likely be replaced in future versions by a central customization admin page. 0.3.3 Added new features to optionally show first name, last name, and e-mail address as input fields of the message form. Use it for example like this: [cloudwok wok_id="YOUR_WOK_ID" show_form="True" show_form_input_name="True"] 0.3.2 Minor code changes. 0.3.1 Minor bugfixes.