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Cnhk Slideshow [ENDED]

开发者 cnhk_systems
更新时间 2017年5月11日 15:50
PHP版本: 4.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.5
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


slideshow slider images responsive slider banner rotator swipe touch slider youtube slider mobile slider vimeo slider layer animated layer animated caption


2.0.1 2.0.2 2.1 2.1.1 2.2 1.0 1.1 1.1.1 2.0 3.0 3.0.1 3.0.2 3.0.3 3.1 3.1.1


Project ended. No more enhancement will be added.
Cnhk Slideshow is an easy to use but powerful slider plugin. You can use images, videos or HTML contents. The plugin is based on Jssor Slider. You can use one of the hundreds of predefined effects or build your own.
  • Responsive and touch enabled
  • Layers and animated captions
  • YouTube and Vimeo slides with an auto-pause function when video is played
  • Allow usage of Google Fonts and Font Awesome
  • Animation builders
  • WYSIWYG editors for content, style and animation timing
  • Multiple combinations of navigators (arrows, bullets and thumbnails for images)
Use in themes <?php if ( function_exists( "cnhk_slideshow" ) ) cnhk_slideshow( 121 ); ?> 代码 [cnhk_slideshow id=121] 小工具 A slider widget is also available. Localization: French Important warning for users of old 1.x and 2.x versions The version 3 is a totally new plugin, it was designed with completely different principles and use different assets and therefore is not compatible with all older versions. An upgrade will just erase your existing sliders.


Using The WordPress Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
  2. Search for 'cnhk slideshow'
  3. Click 'Install Now'
  4. Activate Cnhk Slideshow on the Plugin dashboard
Uploading in WordPress Dashboard
  1. Navigate to the 'Add New' in the plugins dashboard
  2. Navigate to the 'Upload' area
  3. Select from your computer
  4. Click 'Install Now'
  5. Activate Cnhk Slideshow on the Plugin dashboard
Using FTP
  1. Download
  2. Extract the cnhk-slideshow directory to your computer
  3. Upload the cnhk-slideshow directory to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  4. Activate Cnhk Slideshow on the Plugin dashboard


  • Google Fonts page
  • The timing editor
  • The slider edit page
  • The style editor
  • Google Fonts page
  • The timing editor
  • The slider edit page
  • The style editor


Does this plugin support Multisite

Yes, from the version 3 it works on multisite installations.


3.1.1 3.1 3.0.3 3.0.2 3.0.1 3.0 2.2 2.1.1 2.1 2.0.2 2.0.1 2.0 1.1.1 1.1 1.0