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Codeblocks Extended with PrismJS

开发者 duplaja
更新时间 2019年6月5日 10:45
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


code code highlighting pre prismjs clipboardjs



Codeblocks Extended with PrismJS was born of a personal need for a lightweight code highlighter, with special functionality. Many of the other PrismJS based plugins in the repository were either outdated, or were lacking features that I was looking for. Features: For a full list of languages supported and more information on this plugin's use, please check out the FAQ. Note: This does NOT auto-detect the language. Most plugins that do so brute force the languages or require file extensions, resulting in a much heavier plugin. The decision was made to keep this as light-weight as possible. Note 2: This is designed to work with the Classic Editor. It does not currently work in Gutenberg blocks. Thanks to Mike @ WP Bullet for the banner and icon.


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/prism-js directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. That's it!


  • Visual Editor TinyMCE options.
  • Text Editor Button
  • Sample code block created with Codeblocks Extended. Notice the copy button in the top right corner.
  • Code block with line highlighting.
  • Visual Editor TinyMCE options.
  • Text Editor Button
  • Sample code block created with Codeblocks Extended. Notice the copy button in the top right corner.
  • Code block with line highlighting.


  • Initial Plugin Release


How do I highlight lines of code?

You can specifiy lines to highlight using the data-line attribute of the <pre> tag, in the Text Editor.

  • Single Line: data-line="7"
  • Range: data-line="3-9"
  • Combination: data-line="2,4-6,9-12"

What other cool things can I do?

  • You can link to individual lines of code, using href="#{pre-element-id}.{lines}". Ex: href="#preblockone.5-6".
  • If you are comfortable, you can rebuild prism.min.js to include other languages than the ones below, or modify your CSS.
  • Learn how this plugin was built, from start to end (and build your own version) Build Your Own

How do I specify a language if it's not one of the defaults on the dropdown?

You can specifiy languages using the language-xxxx class of the <pre> and <code> tags via the Text Editor. For the sake of plugin size and speed, only the most common languages were included in this plugin. See below for the complete list. For a list of class names, you can look here on the official PrismJS site: PrismJS Language List

Which languages are included by default?

  • Markup
  • CSS
  • C Languages
  • JavaScript
  • Apache Configuration
  • Bash
  • Batch
  • Ruby
  • Docker
  • Git
  • HTML
  • HTTP
  • Makefile
  • Markdown
  • Nginx Config
  • PHP
  • Python
  • SASS and SCSS
  • SQL


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