Collapsible FAQs
开发者 |
更新时间 |
2014年5月31日 18:57 |
捐献地址: |
去捐款 |
PHP版本: |
2.5 及以上 |
WordPress版本: |
3.9.1 |
版权: |
License: GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: |
If you want to create a beautiful and effective page for displaying your FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) then this simple and fast plugin can help you. To start building your page you just need to use a few shortcodes.
Usage Instructions: To get started with the plugin create a new WordPress page (or open an exsisting one in the editor). Add questions and their answers in the following format:
[wpcf_item][wpcf_question]Question 1 Text[/wpcf_question][wpcf_answer]Answer to question 1.[/wpcf_answer][/wpcf_item]
Just repeat the above format to insert multiple FAQs. If you like this plugin please give it a good rating.
- Install the plugin using Wordpress' default plugin installer.
- Create a page and use the shortcodes mentioned on the main page to create collapsible FAQs.
- That's it! Enjoy!