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开发者 StephenCronin
更新时间 2009年8月18日 21:30
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.8.4


dofollow nofollow spam comment_spam commentluv keywordluv no-nofollow


1.0 1.1 1.11 1.12


Comment Warning is a plugin for blogs that currently use a DoFollow plugin, CommentLuv, or KeywordLuv (or have used such a plugin in the past). It detects visitors arriving from URLs that indicate that they are likely to be potential comment spammers and 'warns' them of the blog's comment policy, via a JavaScript modal 'popup' (not a real popup). Both the list of triggers and the message are customisable, allowing you to control who is shown the message and what they are shown. It is also possible to redirect potential spammers to a URL of your choice, either immediately (bypassing the warning) or after a certain number of potential spam visits from the same IP address. Note: the number of visits calculated only includes visits where a trigger is tripped (not if the same IP address visits your site via a different method) and includes page refreshes. Other Features: Compatibility: I suspect that this plugin will NOT be compatible with WP Super Cache at this point. I will be doing some testing in the near future and, if necessary, changing the plugin so it does work with WP Super Cache. Support: This plugin is officially not supported (due to my time constraints), but if you leave a comment on the Comment Warning Support page or contact me, I should be able to help.


  1. Download the plugin file and unzip it.
  2. Upload the comment-warning folder to the wp-content/plugins/ folder.
  3. Activate the Comment Warning plugin within WordPress.
Alternatively, you can install the plugin automatically through the WordPress Admin interface.


Are there likely to false postives?

The default set of triggers have been chosen to be as 'wide' as possible, catching as many potential comment spammers as possible. One side effect of this is that there may be some false positives. In trialling the plugin, I have encountered almost no false positives, but the possibility exists. It is therefore not recommended to redirect users immediately. The default warning message acknowledges that false positives are possible and asks the user's indulgence in reading the comment policy. To limit false positives, the comment warning (or redirection) will not trigger for terms that are in both the refering URL and in your page's URL. If you have a post with dofollow in the URL and a visitor arrives from another site with dofollow in the URL, there is a decent chance that they are not a spammer.


1.12 1.11 1.1 1.0