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开发者 bmulligan
更新时间 2024年5月9日 20:33
PHP版本: 6.5.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.5.2
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


collaboration blogs commentpress commentarysandbox commentary dcc


2.0 3.0 1.0 3.1



You can download and install CommentarySandbox using the built in WordPress plugin installer. If you download CommentarySandbox manually, make sure it is uploaded to "/wp-content/plugins/commentpress-core/". Install CommentarySandbox in WordPress Standalone Base Install:
  1. Install WordPress
  2. Install "CommentarySandbox"
  3. Activate "CommentarySandbox"
Your basic "CommentarySandbox" setup is complete. At this point you can:
  1. Create a custom menu for the main site
  2. Use the Theme Customizer to modify the look
  3. Change Background and Header
  4. Customize "CommentarySandbox" via its Settings Page
Install CommentarySandbox in WordPress Multisite Base Install:
  1. Install WordPress
  2. Create Network
Okay, we're ready to install "CommentarySandbox":
  1. Install and Network Activate "CommentarySandbox"
  2. If you want to, you can enable "CommentarySandbox" on your main blog
  3. Network Enable the " CommentPress Modern Theme�, UNLESS
  4. You have "CommentarySandbox"-compatible child themes you want to use instead:
  5. Network Enable any "CommentarySandbox"-compatible child themes you want to use
Go to the "CommentarySandbox" network settings page under "Settings" in "Network Admin":
  1. Configure your options as desired
  2. Click "Save Changes"
Your basic "CommentarySandbox" setup is complete. At this point you can:
  1. Create a custom menu for the main site
  2. Use the Theme Customizer to modify the look
  3. Change Background and Header
  4. Customize "CommentarySandbox" via its Settings Page


For sites hosted in the European Union, please note: the " CommmentPress Default Theme" makes use of cookies, but for presentational purposes only. If you intend to use the " CommentarySandbox Default Theme" on a public site, you may need to inform visitors of this. Upgrade to CommentarySandbox It is recommended that you upgrade to the latest versions of WordPress as well as the latest versions of �CommentPress Core� theme. A minimum of WordPress 3.3 is required, but upgrades under WordPress 3.4+ work much better. The old �CommentPress� plugins and theme can be found on Github:
  1. Get the latest CommentPress Plugin
  2. Get the latest CommentPress for Multisite
  3. Get the latest CommentPress Ajaxified
  4. Get the latest CommentPress Theme


3.1 1.0 0.1