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WP Conditional Digg This Badge

开发者 SlowWalkere
更新时间 2008年3月2日 10:07
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 2.3.3 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.3.3


digg social bookmarking




This plugin is designed to automatically add a "Digg This" badge to your articles that already have some popularity on Digg. This way you can automatically add badges to your articles without having a bunch of "1 Digg" articles. The plug-in inserts some Javascript into your articles. This Javascript allows the plug-in to access the Digg API. Through the API, the plug-in determines if your article has enough Diggs (by default: 10). If it does, the "Digg This" badge is displayed. Otherwise, the Javascript is deleted and no badge is shown. Note on Wordpress version: This should work on earlier versions. However, it's only been tested on Versions 2.3.3 and up. If you successfully use the plug-in on an earlier version of Wordpress, please leave a comment at the plugin homepage so that I can update the information in this readme.


Follow the normal Wordpress Plugin procedures - no special template tampering is required.
  1. Upload 'wp-digg-conditional.tar.gz' to your plugins folder.
  2. Uncompress the archive, preserving the folder structure.
  3. Activate the plug-in through the "Plugins" section of your dashboard.
  4. (Optional) Edit the $minDiggs variable in "check-digg-stats.php" to customize the number of Diggs are article needs to receive a badge.


How do I customize the number of Diggs it takes to be considered "popular?"

In future versions, this will be added as an option to the plug-in in your dashboard. In the meantime, you can manually change this value in the "check-digg-stats.php" page. Look for the declaration of $minDiggs. It should be set to 10. Change '10' to whatever value you want to use as a benchmark.

Do I have to link to prototype.js again if I'm already using it?

No. As long as you have a site-wide link in to the external javascript file prototype.js, you can comment out the line in the plug-in that adds a reference to it. Open "wp-digg-conditional.php". Scroll down to about line 37. Comment out the line that creates a javascript element with src "$root . '/wp-content/plugins/wp-digg-conditional/prototype.js".

How can I get an answer to a new question?

If you have a problem, question, or feature request, you can send them my way and I'll deal with them when I have the time. The easiest way would be to go to the plug-in homepage and leave a comment.