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Create simple hidden fields and dynamically generated hidden fields with Conact Form 7
Simple Hidden fields are just that, simple hidden fields
*** New Dynamic Hidden Fields ***
How to create dynamic hidden fields
- Create a filter to be called from your CF7 Dynamic Select Field.
Example Filter:
function cf7_dynamic_hidden_do_example1($value, $args=array()) { $value = 'new value'; return $value; } // end function cf7_dynamic_select_do_example1 add_filter('wpcf7_dynamic_hidden_example1', 'cf7_dynamic_hidden_do_example1', 10, 2);
- Enter the filter name and any arguments into the Filter Field when adding a Dynamic Hidden Field.
For example, if we need to supply a post_id so that the filter can get the post title
filter value entered would look something like this:
my-filter post_id=9
Do Not Include any extra spaces or quotes arround values, names or the =
You can pass any number are arguments to your filter and they will be converted into an array. For example the
my-filter post_id=101 author_id=2
This will call the function assocaited with the filter hook 'my-filter' with an arguments the argument array of:
$args = array( 'post_id' => 101, 'author_id' => 2 )
If the filter does not exist or your filter does not return a value then the value of the hidden field will be left empty.
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