Contus' Best WordPress Video Gallery Plugin has a whole set of utile features and options that make the product a versatile one. In addition to the quickly visible options such as recent Videos, popular Videos and featured Videos, the plugin also has the ability to control the number and order of these videos from back end.
Video Gallery Demo -
Video Gallery Home Page -
GitHub Repository -
FLV & H.264 encoded video including MP4, M4V, M4A, MOV, Mp4v, F4V, social networking comments from the gallery page (like for Facebook), provision to alter width, height, skin, theme, aspect ratio, volume, downloads etc. from the backend are few if the best features with this plugin. It also covers other regular and utile features which we could see in popular video sharing sites such as social media bookmark option (diggit, myspace, facebook,, spurl, furl, google), managing multiple playlists, views count for video and so forth.
- Supports Lighttpd, RTMP, Live telecast and Amazon S3 Streaming
- Facility to add YouTube, Vimeo, Viddler, Daily Motion videos and embed code videos from other sites
- Facility to subscribe users channel
- Facility to create playlist
- Facility to add videos to watch later
- Users can see their watch history
- Facility to pause the videos to store in history
- Supports ffmpeg which generates duration of the video uploaded from PC
- Facility to monetize by displaying preroll, postroll, midroll, google adsense and IMA ads in the player
- Simple to customize/manage widgets
- Option to choose WordPress/Facebook/Disqus commenting system from backend
- Option to Enable/disable the following options on the player from backend: Download, Share, Volume, Full screen, High definition, Timer, Zoom, Playlist
- Option to hide the entire skin from the player
- Option to set logo target from the backend
- Simple drag and drop option to sort videos/categories from backend
- Facility to "set your own logo/copyright/edit logo position" on purchasing premium license
- Offers complete control over number of columns and rows of thumb images
- Facility to customize the color of player from backend
- Facility to display Captions in player by adding upto 2 SRT files from backend
- Option to store media files in Amazon S3 bucket
- Facility to set the native language for tool tips of player buttons
- Admin can limit the number of related videos to be displayed inside the player
- Admin can enable/disable RSS feed icon along with Social Icons in video detail page
- Option to enable/disable Video title in video home page
- Option to restrict upload methods for users
- Packed with seven different video widgets such as Featured, Recent etc.,(Refer document for more info)
- SEO friendly video URL
- Supports HTML5 to play videos in iOS devices
- Enthralls with responsive designing to help your visitors view your website on mobile
- Supports RTL feature
To Add video
- Go to your WordPress Admin panel.
- Click Video Gallery from left column >> All Videos >> Add Video.
- Add a new Video using anyone of the options(YouTube URL , Upload File, Custom URL, RTMP)
- Create and select the playlist from the Right column of the window to assign the video to the particular playlist.
To change the global settings of the player
- Go to your WordPress Admin panel.
- Click Video Gallery from left column >> Settings
- Change the Plugin / Player settings as you wish.
- You have options for Home page Recent,Popular,and Featured Videos enable,disable options with limit of rows and columns.
- You can allow/disallow the member upload option by changing "Video Upload Option to Members" in settings
You limit the video upload method to member by selecting "Select upload method(s) for users" option.
= To Display Side Widgets of the Player Like Recent,Popular,and Featured Videos
Go to your WordPress Admin panel.
- Look for Apperance on the Left column and click Widgets Options.
Drag and Drop the options what you want to show in the right side bar.
= To See the Features in the user side
There is a Home Page for the videos to display and there Recent,Popular,and Featured Videos will show below the player.
- Side Widgets also we have the same features with search videos options.