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Copy Anything to Clipboard

开发者 Mahesh901122
更新时间 2025年2月18日 14:29
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


Deal Copy to Clipboard Clipboard Copy Coupon


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Use the "Copy Anything to Clipboard" plugin to add a copy button to your website. This plugin is perfect for bloggers, developers, and anyone who wants to make it easy for users to copy content. 📋 == # How to use There are 3 wasy to use the "Copy Anything to Clipboard" plugin.
  1. Automatically with "CSS Selector"
  2. Manually with "Shortcode"
  3. Manually with "Elementor widgets"
  4. Manually with "Gutenberg widgets"
=== # METHOD 1 – Automatically with "CSS Selector" This is the quick, most useful way and is mostly used by a lot of users with this plugin. Use this method, if you want to add the copy button automatically to all the elements with the same selector. E.g. If youre website post contain the code snippet's in the <pre> tag then by setting the pre tag as selector in "Copy Anything to Clipboard" will add the copy button to all the pre tags. So, Youre user can copy the code snippet with just a click. Example 2: You're blog post has the blockquote and you want to add the copy button to the blockquote. ==== How to use with CSS Slector? For more details read: === # METHOD 2 – Manually with "Shortcode" You can use this method if you want to add the copy button to the specific element. Use the shortcode [copy] or [copy_inline] shortcodes. E.g. The zoom meeting is scheduled on data [copy]15 November 2022[/copy] please note down it. ==== How to use with Shortcode? You may use the shortcode [copy_inline] to copy the inline content. E.g. Contact us: Or, Use it as coupon code: Use coupon code [copy_inline text="COUPONCODE"] to get 10% discount. Or, Use it as deal: Get the deal [copy_inline text=""] to get 10% discount. Or, Use for username and password: Username: [copy_inline text="username"] Password: [copy_inline text="password" display="***"] === # METHOD 3 – Manually with "Elementor Widgets" We build coupole of different widgets for Elementor page builder. You can use the following widgets to add the copy button to the specific element. ==== How to use with Elementor widgets? For more details read: == # Key Benefits 🎉 Get up to 20% to 30% discount by upgrading to pro, make this shopping extravaganza unforgettable! 🎁 == 🤩 FREE and Popular Copy to Clipboard Plugin Ever Over 10,000 thousands plus active people are empowering their websites with “Copy Anything to Clipboard” – 100% compatible for all themes and plugins. Welcome for featured requests If you have any suggestion or any featured request then don’t hesitate to contact us. === Bug reports 🐞 Bug reports for “Copy Anything to Clipboard” are welcomed in WordPress support forum. === Google Chrome Extension 🚀 We have also developed the Google Chrome extension for the Copy Anything to Clipboard plugin. You can download it from the Chrome Web Store. === Further reading 📚 For more info check out the following:


  1. Install the Copy Anything to Clipboard plugin either via the WordPress plugin directory, or by uploading the files to your server at wp-content/plugins.


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