Linux 软件免费装


开发者 mipromotionalsourcing
更新时间 2019年8月22日 22:33
PHP版本: 7.0.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.2
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


widget marketing shortcode search dynamic content dropdown display links display text selection box



Corresponda is a free plugin which allows you to dynamically display content based on a user selection from a dropdown or autocomplete search box. Create Corresponda widgets to insert in any page via shortcodes. For each option available for selection by your front end users, you can link a corresponding piece of text, which can include links. When a visitor to your site makes a selection from one of your search or dropdown boxes, the text you have set to relate to that input will be dynamically displayed below the input box. Corresponda was designed to assist the creation of marketing pages by allowing users to submit a piece of information and be given a tailored response. This is particularly useful for enabling users to check if they are able to use a service based on a detail such as their location, especially when the answer based on some inputs will be negative, or displaying links to other sites based on user input. Create as many different widgets as you like and display them on different pages, or more than one on a single page, using unique shortcodes for each widget. Data pairs for each widget can be entered individually via the plugin interface or uploaded in bulk as a CSV file. There is no limit to the number of data pairs you can add, or the amount of text that can correspond with each entry. Text that is wider than the width of the widget on the page will wrap and expand the widget vertically downwards automatically. Use cases


Installing via WordPress Log-in to your WordPress administrator panel; Select the Plugins page from the menu and click "Add New"; Search for "Corresponda" in the search bar at the top right of the screen; Click "Install Now" and after installation has completed click "Activate". Installing via FTP Download the plugin by searching for "Corresponda" on, and clicking "download"; Login to your hosting space via FTP software, e.g. FileZilla; Upload the plugin folder into wp-content>wp-plugins; Login to the WordPress Administrator Panel; Activate the plugin by going to Plugins and pressing "Activate".


  • Create widget interface
  • Edit widget interface
  • A dropdown box and autocomplete search box on an example page


1.0.0 Release date: 15th August 2019