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CP Image Store with Slideshow

开发者 codepeople
更新时间 2025年1月8日 23:45
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.5.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


show image store photo store picture store clipart store


1.0.63 1.0.64 1.0.60 1.0.65 1.1.6 1.1.7 1.0.70 1.1.5 1.1.0 1.1.4 1.0.61 1.0.75 1.0.67 1.0.66 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.0.68 1.0.69 1.0.73 1.0.72 1.0.74 1.1.1


CP Image Store with Slideshow features: § Allows selling image files via PayPal. Payments are SCA ready (Strong Customer Authentication), compatible with the new Payment services (PSD 2) - Directive (EU) § Allows selling various resolution versions of the image at tiered prices § Multiple online store settings:display a search box, filter by author, color scheme, image type and categories. Set the number of columns in the image store. Pagination, and sorting of results by title, popularity and publication date § Associate various features to pictures: author, type of image, color scheme, and categories § Allows select an alternative layout of the store design § Allows to insert a particular image in posts or pages, and as widget on website's sidebars § Allows sharing image pages in social networks (ex: Facebook, Twitter, Google+) § Shows a carousel with the top 10 images obtained with the filter values § Includes a module to track sales statistics. Displays animated charts for specific sales reports § Allows exporting the sales reports to a CSV file § Includes an experimental module to import the products and their data. CP Image Store with Slideshow is an online store for the sale of image files: images, predefined pictures, clipart, drawings, vector images. For payment processing, CP Image Store with Slideshow uses PayPal, which is the most widely used payment gateway, safe and easy to use. The "Image Store" plugin allows the specific integration with the following editors: [youtube] Inserting and using the basic "Image Store width Slideshow" plugin. The premium version of CP Image Store with Slideshow allows to create a preview of your images with a watermark, to protect against malicious users or unauthorized downloads. The base plugin, available for free from the WordPress Plugin Directory has all the features you need to create an CP Image Store with Slideshow on your website. Premium Features Demo of Premium Version of Plugin [youtube] Inserting and using the premium version of "Image Store width Slideshow" plugin. If you want more information about this plugin or another one don't doubt to visit my website: [youtube] Inserting a products list, and products, in pages or sidebars of website (only available in the premium version of plugin). Are safe the downloads links? The security in the access to products files is determined in different ways.


To install CP Image Store with Slideshow, follow these steps:
  1. Download and unzip the plugin
  2. Upload the entire "cp-image-store/" directory to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress
  4. Set up your store via "Image Store/ Store Settings"


  • Images List
  • Image Edition Interface
  • Insertion Buttons for Image Store and Image Store Product
  • Insertion Product's Dialog
  • Dialog to Insert Images Lists
  • Gutenberg Editor
  • Elementor Editor
  • Page Builder by SiteOrigin
  • Available Widgets to Insert an Image or Image List on Website's Sidebars
  • Sales Reports
  • Filtering Sales Report
  • Alternative layout


Q: Why the sales button doesn't display?

A: First, go to the settings page of CP Image Store with Slideshow and be sure the PayPal checkbox is checked, and has defined the seller's email. Second, be sure the image has files associated.

Q: Why the watermark doesn't show on images?

A: Be sure the GD Library is enabled in the PHP script on web server.

Q: How to insert a product or products list on sidebar?

A: Go to the widgets section and insert the "Image Store Product", or the "Image Store Product List" on sidebar.

Q: How can I to know the ID of image?

A: Go to the image page in WordPress and pay attention to the URL, the parameter "post" contains the image's ID. The image's ID is required to insert the image on sidebars or pages.

Q: How can I search an image by the image's content or title?

A: Type the word you are searching in the search box (available in the store's page), and press the "enter" key.

Q: Is possible to hide the image preview window?

A: To hide the image preview window, go to the settings of Image Store, and uncheck the option "Display preview on mouse over".

Q: Is there another payment gateway other than PayPal?

A: The current version of plugin allows only PayPal as payment gateway.

Q: Why after press the "Buy Now" button the page is not redirected to PayPal?

A: Please, go to the settings page of Image Store, and be sure that email associated to the PayPal account was entered. If the email associated to the PayPal account was typed, go to the product's page, and be sure that image's price is non zero.

Q: Why I can't get the purchased images as a zip file?

A: To use this feature be sure the libraries to create ZIP files are available in the PHP script installed in your web server. Furthermore, if the customers bought multiple files at same time, and the sum of size of all files purchased is bigger than memory assigned to the PHP, then is not possible to create the zip file.

Q: How can be selected the images to display in the store by default?

A: The images store is inserted in a page through the shortcode: [codepeople-image-store], but it is possible define some parameters in the shortcode for filtering the images that will be displayed by default in the store: type: allows display in the store the images with the "type" defined as attribute of the shortcode. The "type" attribute accepts the slug of the type or its ID. [codepeople-image-store type="clip-art"] author: allows display in the store the images crated by the "author" defined as attribute of the shortcode. The "author" attribute accepts the slug of the author or its ID. [codepeople-image-store author="author-name"] color: allows display in the store the images with the colour schema defined by the "color" attribute. The "color" attribute accepts the slug of the color or its ID. [codepeople-image-store author="full-color"] category: allows display in the store the images belonging to the category defined as attribute of the shortcode. The "category" attribute accepts the slug of the category or its ID. [codepeople-image-store category="category-name"]


1.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3 1.0.4 1.0.5 1.0.6 1.0.7 1.0.8 1.0.9 1.0.10 1.0.11 1.0.12 1.0.13 1.0.14 1.0.15 1.0.16 1.0.17 1.0.18 1.0.19 1.0.20 1.0.21 1.0.22 1.0.23 1.0.24 1.0.25 1.0.26 1.0.27 1.0.28 1.0.29 1.0.30 1.0.31 1.0.32 1.0.33 1.0.34 1.0.35 1.0.36 1.0.37 1.0.38 1.0.39 1.0.40 1.0.41 1.0.42 1.0.43 1.0.44 1.0.45 1.0.46 1.0.47 1.0.48 1.0.49 1.0.50 1.0.51 1.0.52 1.0.53 1.0.54 1.0.55 1.0.56 1.0.57 1.0.58 1.0.59 1.0.60 1.0.61 1.0.62 1.0.63 1.0.64 1.0.65 1.0.66 1.0.67 1.0.68 1.0.69 1.0.70 1.0.71 1.0.72 1.0.73 1.0.74 1.0.75 1.1.0 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3 1.1.4 1.1.5 1.1.6 1.1.7