开发者 | codepeople |
更新时间 | 2025年1月9日 00:03 |
捐献地址: | 去捐款 |
PHP版本: | 3.0.5 及以上 |
WordPress版本: | 6.7 |
版权: | GPLv2 or later |
版权网址: | 版权信息 |
Allows select the number of related posts Allows extract the related terms from the articles titles, contents and abstracts Uses an automatic algorithm to determine the weight of relationship between posts Allows associate posts manually (these are the most strong relationships) Allows define a threshold for relations between posts (Relations with a weight under the threshold are dismissed) Allows to insert Google AdSense ads between related postsThe base plugin, available for free, from the WordPress Plugin Directory, has all the features needed for associate website's articles. Premium features:
Allows to use different layouts for related posts in multi-posts pages (like home page or archives) and for single pages and posts Allows to use different graphics to represent the level of similarity Allows to use related posts with custom post typesDemo of Premium Version of Plugin https://demos.dwbooster.com/related-posts/wp-login.php https://demos.dwbooster.com/related-posts/ If you want more information about this plugin or another one don't doubt to visit my website: http://wordpress.dwbooster.com
A: Type the terms and press the "Search" button. In the Items found section will be displayed the list of posts/pages that include the term. Select the posts/pages to associate manually.
A: Go to the post's edition and press the "-" symbol from the items manually related.
A: Type the terms as tags associated to the post.
A: You only should replace the images for icon_on and icon_off, located in "/wp-content/plugins/cp-related-posts/images"
A: You only should increase the similarity percentage, from the settings page of plugin.
A: Go to the settings page of the plugin and enter an integer number in the attributes: "Number of words on posts excerpts" for related posts on single pages, and pages with multiple entries. The integer number represent the maximum amount of words in the excerpts of posts (50 words is the number by default)
A: Go to the settings page of plugin and check the option "Exclude the related posts from homepage"
A: Go to the page, and check the option "Hide the related posts from this post"
A: Go to the page or post and check the option "Exclude this post from others related posts"
A: There are two options available in the settings page of the plugin (Size of featured images) for selecting the size of images to associate to the related posts, for single pages, and pages with multiple entries. WordPress includes three images sizes by default: thumbnail, medium, and large, but the themes, and plugins, can add new sizes for images, you simply should select the size of images to use in each case.