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CPO Widgets

开发者 wpchill
更新时间 2020年11月5日 20:01
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.5
版权: GPLv3 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


widget sidebar recent posts banner author recent author profile author badge



CPO Widgets is a WordPress plugin that provides you with an number of essential widgets for any website. They give you additional functionality to easily display more varied content in your sidebars, such as images or tweets. This plugin adds the following available widgets: Recent Posts - A more powerful version of the default recent posts widget provided by WordPress. This widget allows you to display a thumbnail of each post and also to choose which post type to display. Ad Space - Easily insert images without having to resort to writing HTML in a text widget. You can also link the image or add your own advertising code. Social Profiles - Add links to your preferred social profiles, being able to choose from a long list of available social networks. Recent Tweets - Display your latest tweets from any Twitter account. This widgets provides support for the Twitter API 1.1. Flickr Images - Show your latest images from a Flickr account right into your sidebar, and linking to your Flickr gallery. Author Badge - Display the profile of a specific user, showing the name, image, and profile description.


Installing Through The WordPress Admin
  1. Download the ZIP file
  2. In your WordPress admin area, go to Plugins > Add Plugin, and select Upload Plugin
  3. Upload the ZIP file and installation will commence
  4. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  5. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Shortcodes page before using it right away!
  6. You are now ready to use the shortcodes from the WordPress Visual Editor
Installing Through FTP
  1. Download the ZIP file and unpack it
  2. Upload the entire cpo-shortcodes to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  4. Make sure to check the Settings > CPO Shortcodes page before using it right away!
  5. You are now ready to use the shortcodes from the WordPress Visual Editor


  • Display your most recent posts with a more stylish design
  • Insert images into your sidebars without having to code HTML
  • Add your latest tweets without cumbersome setting pages
  • Show the latest Flickr photos from a Flirck account
  • Display a list of links to your social profiles


1.0.2 1.0.2 1.0.1 1.0