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更新时间 2013年8月26日 20:04
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 3.5
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


adsense advertise make money ad google adsense ad rotation monetize banner ads sell ads blog advertising display banners rotate banners sell banner ads sell banners



Why Choose CrankyAds? CrankyAds is the only WordPress plugin that can do all of the following for you -
  1. Rotate banner ads in any size, configuration and for any duration.
  2. Rotate text link ads, with the option to choose whether they are "nofollow" ads so you don't get into trouble with Google.
  3. Rotate Video Ads, using embedded YouTube videos.
  4. You can sell Banner, Text and Video ads to paying advertisers, setting the price, currency and campaign duration.
  5. When you don't have ads sold, CrankyAds can rotate your own internal ads, or you can promote affiliate products, or set it to run a network like Google AdSense, so you are always making money.
  6. The CrankyAds manager control panel lets you and your advertisers see live statistics on any campaign, including impressions and clicks. You can approve, edit and cancel campaigns 24/7 via the control panel.
  7. CrankyAds creates an "Advertise Here" page on your site, which displays all your ad zones available for sale. Advertisers can then click buy, upload their ad media and you just need to approve their campaign. It's all 100% automated.
  8. Our system is focused on simplicity and automation, so you can focus on building your website. Just fill out a form to create an ad zone, then use widgets to place it on your site. Done.
  9. We handle all the transactions for you, so you don't have to worry about refunds, or customer service. You get paid out via Paypal once a month for any ad sales made during the previous period.
  10. Our system is 100% free to download and use to rotate ads. If you use CrankyAds to sell an ad to a paying sponsor, we take a 25% fee, so we only charge you money when we help you make money.
How Does CrankyAds Work? CrankyAds is a WordPress plugin you upload to your blog and then activate like normal. Next you will be asked to register for CrankyAds to create your account. After you do this you will be taken into the "Ad Zones" management area, where you can view, edit and create new Ad Zones. Creating a new Ad Zone is easy. You decide what type of media to use (Banner Ad, Text Ad or Video Ad), decide how much you will charge, what currency you will charge in, how long the ad will run for and how many ads will appear in that zone. As you create the new Ad Zone, a preview window will appear showing you how your Ad Zone will look and describing the details for that zone. Once you are finished, you click save. You can then go to the WordPress Widgets area in your control panel. You'll see a new widget there with the name of the Ad Zone you just created. Drag and drop the widget to where you want the ads to appear on your site and you're done! You also have the option to manually copy and paste the Ad Zone code into your site design if you prefer having more control. We Help You Sell More Ads (Via One of the unique things about CrankyAds is the psychology behind the design. We are bloggers too and our founder Yaro Starak has been selling ads online for over ten years. He knows how to increase your chances of selling ads and also automate the process so the income is nearly passive, so you don't have to do the work. The Advertise Here page that CrankyAds creates for you is specifically designed to help you sell more ads. The default advertise here banners you can choose to rotate also help you sell more ads. Once you set up CrankyAds, your site will also appear in our, an online searchable database that advertisers can go to and purchase ads on sites from. This helps you gain exposure to new paying advertisers. We Are Professionals Although we are a small team, CrankyAds is not just a random plugin built by some programmer in another country you can never contact. We have a team, including a dedicated account manager support person, whom you can contact if you have any problems with our service. We are serious about our service and are constantly working to make it better. Try CrankyAds today, we can help you make money with advertising on your blog or website.


  1. Upload 'CrankyAds' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Go to the newly added CrankyAds root menu to sign up for a CrankyAds account
  4. Follow the help videos to set up your first ad zone


  • Summary of your Ad Zones
  • Create a new Ad Zone
  • Automatically generated Advertise Here page


How do I setup my Ad Zones so that I can sell Ads on my site

When you go to the CrankyAds settings page the first time you will see two videos that walk you though step by step how to setup your Ad Zones. If you need some more help you can visit our Getting Started Guide or our Help Page

Can I choose which ads to show on my site

Yes, no ad will be displayed on your site without your explicit approval.

How many Ad Zones can I have on my site

You can have as many Ad Zones on your site as you like.