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开发者 hervada
更新时间 2009年11月8日 17:08
PHP版本: 2.5 及以上
WordPress版本: 2.7.1


posts links permalinks related slugs cross-references


1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3-beta1 1.3-beta2 1.3-beta3 1.3-beta4 1.3-rc1 1.3-rc2 1.3-rc3 1.4


With this plugin you can manually set a reference to another post or page in posts und pages and you get all backward references automatically listed for every post and page. Note May 1st, 2009: The development of this plugin is being discontinued, because I personally do not use WordPress any more. There will be no new release of it from me. It is now still compatible with the latest WordPress version, but soon or later it will be no more. You are welcome to download the source code from the Subversion repository and develop it further. Usage Basics Just place [cref post] at your post or page content to get both a forward and a backward link between these. The plugin shows automatically a list of related entries at the end of each post and page. To start using the plugin is easy: With the import tool you can convert all your internal html links <a href="...">...</a> to cross-references. The plugin is safe: You can change the post slugs at any time, the plugin will change all references for you. And if you once do not want to use the plugin any more, you can completely deinstall it leaving your blog with simple html links again. Usage Details When writing a post or page, you can refer to other posts or pages by their slug or numerical ID. At the Settings/Cross-References page on your admin panel you can switch between referencing by ID and by slug (even if you already set references, these will be automatically updated). Related Posts List You get automatically a list of all the posts and pages that link to the current post or page at the end of each entry. For a greater control on the appearence and position of this list you can optionally customize your templates: Parameters: the_crossreferences( $before, $between, $after, $id, $emptylist ) It shows the related posts list for post $id, or for the current post if $id is not given or is 0. You can apply CSS styles to the related posts list, because it is enclosed within a DIV (class="crossreferences"). For theme/plugin developers: You can also control the sort order and the appearence of the related posts list with filters. For more information and examples about function parameters, styles and filters see the page "Other Notes". Tools This plugin adds a page at the admin panel under Settings / Cross-References where you can set the plugin options and run some tools: International This plugin works for any blog language, because you can customize its wording, and it works fine with multilanguage plugins such as qTranslate. Please let me know if you have any localization issues. The plugin settings page is right now in this languages:


First installation
  1. Download the .zip file and entpack it.
  2. Upload the 'cross-references-plugin' folder as a whole to '/wp-content/plugins'.
  3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. Optionally, go to the dashboard / Settings / Cross-references page in order to adjust some settings.
Upgrade from v. 1.3 or newer You can use the WordPress Plugin Update or update manually:
  1. Download the .zip file and entpack it.
  2. Upload the 'cross-references-plugin' folder as a whole to '/wp-content/plugins' overwriting all existing files.
  3. Optionally, go to the dashboard / Settings / Cross-references page in order to adjust some settings or run some tools.
Upgrade from v. 1.2 or older You can use the WordPress Plugin Update or update manually:
  1. Download the .zip file and entpack it.
  2. Upload the 'cross-references-plugin' folder as a whole to '/wp-content/plugins'.
  3. Deactivate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  4. At your server delete the file '/wp-content/plugins/cross-references.php'
  5. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  6. Optionally, go to the dashboard / Settings / Cross-references page in order to adjust some settings or run some tools. I recommend you to do a table rebuild, which will ensure the cross-references table at your database has no errors.


Version 1.4 8/10/2008 Version 1.3 - 7/24/2008 Version 1.2 - 9/24/2007 Version 1.1 - 9/15/2007