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Cryptocurrency Widgets For Elementor

开发者 narinder-singh
更新时间 2025年2月28日 19:36
PHP版本: 5.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.1
版权: GPL2
版权网址: 版权信息


elementor addon cryptocurrency bitcoin widget crypto price crypto donations


1.3.2 1.3.1 1.3 1.7.0 1.4.1 1.5 1.6.5 1.6.6 1.6.7 1.6.8 1.6.9


Cryptocurrency Widgets For Elementor lets you easily create cryptocurrency price widgets and coin list shortcodes for over 250 coins, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Binance Coin, and Cardano. Display real-time market data in elegant, customizable layouts directly on your Elementor-powered website. View Price Widgets Demo View Donation Widgets Demo Check other Advance Widgets Demo Create crypto widgets for 250+ coins that come with this Elementor addon and Use this advanced plugin in simple steps on Elementor. There are four layouts in this widget, where you can show your coins in different styles.
  1. Coins Price Card Show coins in a beautiful card layout with multiple dynamic attribute feature, where you can easily customize the layout of your card. You can hide show coin symbol, high/low,1h changes, 24h changes,7d changes, 30d changes, rank, and market cap from these settings, you can also enable disable number formatting from these settings.
  2. Coins Price Label Display coin price labels inside your page content using this style. You can hide show coin 24h changes from these settings.
  3. Coins List In this layout, you can show the Top coins from the given list or you can add your favorite custom coins by selecting the custom option from the coin list. In this layout, there's an option to show 7-day data in chart format, by default it's enabled in this layout but you can enable or disable this chart from the show hide graph option. You can hide/show coin 24h changes and graphs from these settings.
  4. Top gainer/loser In the top gainer loser list you can display 24-hour changes of coins from the 250 coins list, in gainer you will see the top most increased coin value from the last 24 hours. In the loser list, it will display the top most decreased coins value from the last 24 hours. You can hide/show coin 24h changes from these settings.
Integrated Cryptocurrency Donations Widget Now accept the top 50+ major cryptocurrency donations inside your Elementor Pages using these free cryptocurrency donation Widgets.
  1. Integrates Hassle free Tip with MetaMask button.
  2. Convert your coin payment address into a QR code.
  3. Supports top 50+ crypto coins – Bitcoin, Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Cardano & much more…
  4. Elegant design for the cryptocurrency donation box.
  5. Accept more donations with the help of trusted source MetaMask
  6. Responsive / Mobile friendly cryptocurrency donation plugin.
Check Our Other Crypto Widgets Plugins Demos:-
  1. Cryptocurrency Widgets [FREE]Cryptocurrency Widgets Free Demo
  2. Cryptocurrency Widgets Pro [PAID]Cryptocurrency Widgets Pro Demo (It extends the free version of Cryptocurrency Widgets plugin.)
  3. Coin Market Cap & Prices Plugin [PAID]Coin Market Cap Plugin Demo (Our premium crypto plugin instantly creates a website similar to
  4. Cryptocurrency Exchanges List Pro Plugin [PAID]Crypto Exchanges List Plugin Demo (It is our other premium crypto plugin that auto-generates 200+ SEO-friendly pages for crypto exchanges with a lot of information.)
  5. Crypto ICO List Widgets Pro [PAID]Crypto ICO List Widgets Pro Plugin Demo (It is our other premium crypto plugin - 3500+ ICO database & SEO pages.)
  6. Pay With MetaMask For WooCommerce – Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway [Free]Pay With MetaMask For WooCommerce – Cryptocurrency Payment Gateway Let your customers pay with cryptocurrency – USDT, ETH, BNB, or BUSD inside your WooCommerce store via the MataMask extension for the WooCommerce store. You will receive crypto payments easily inside your store, cryptocurrency will be transferred immediately to your personal crypto wallet address.
Third Party API & License Information


Install From WordPress Admin Panel Open the WordPress admin panel and go to Plugins >> Add New and Search “Cryptocurrency Widgets For Elementor” at here, You will find our plugin “by Cool Plugins”. Click on the Install button in front of this and then activate the plugin. How To Create Crypto Top gainer/losers list Widget? After installation & plugin activation, create a page and edit the page with elementor, in the elementor search bar type Cryptocurrency Widget. From the search result drag Cryptocurrency Widget to your desired location on the page. By default it will add a Card layout, you change the layout from the widget settings panel. Also can style the individual widget from the style tab colors options according to your requirement.


  • Cryptocurrency Price List Widget Demo.
  • Cryptocurrency Price Card Widget Demo.
  • Cryptocurrency Price Label Widget Demo.
  • Top Gainer/Top Losers Demo
  • Cryptocurrency Widget Settings Panel
  • Cryptocurrency Widget Style Settings Panel
  • Cryptocurrency Donation Widget


Can I display real-time live price changes?

We are using CoinGecko, CoinMarketCap and Coinpaprika API in our free version of the crypto price widget, it can show only the current price but doesn’t support real-time price updates.

Can I choose my local currency other than USD($)?

Yes, you can display crypto coins' prices in your local currency. we have integrated 32 fiat currencies:- USD, GBP, EUR, INR, JPY, CNY, ILS, KRW, RUB, DKK, PLN, AUD, BRL, MXN, SEK, CAD, HKD, MYR, SGD, CHF, HUF, NOK, THB, CLP, IDR, NZD, TRY, PHP, TWD, CZK, PKR, ZAR.

Are you using any third-party APIs?

YES, we are using APIs in our free version. So plugin functionality totally depends on third-party APIs. (We can’t provide any support if there is any downtime in third-party APIs)

Do you have any support email for extra questions?

Yes, you can contact us anytime at We strive to respond to all inquiries within 24 hours. = Can I customize the widget layout? =\ Yes, the plugin offers four different layouts: Coins Price Card, Coins Price Label, Coins List, and Top Gainers/Losers. You can also customize elements like symbol display, market cap, price changes, and more in each layout. = Does the plugin support custom styling? =\ Yes, you can further customize the appearance of the widgets through Elementor's styling options. This allows you to adjust the colors, fonts, and layout to match your website design. = Can I select a specific time range for price changes? =\ Yes, depending on the layout, you can display price changes over different time ranges, such as 1 hour, 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days. = Is the plugin compatible with all Elementor themes? =\ Yes, the plugin is fully compatible with any theme that supports Elementor. It seamlessly integrates with your existing theme design and functionality. = Does this plugin support multi-currency or fiat conversion? =\ Currently, the plugin focuses on cryptocurrency prices and does not include fiat currency conversion. However, it pulls real-time market data for accurate cryptocurrency pricing. = Is there an option to add more than 250 coins? =\ By default, the plugin supports the top 250 cryptocurrencies by market cap. However, you can customize the coin list to display your preferred coins within this range. = How often is the market data updated? =\ The plugin fetches real-time data, ensuring your coin price widgets and lists are always up to date with the latest market changes. = Can I accept donations in multiple cryptocurrencies at once? =\ Yes, the donation widget supports over 50 cryptocurrencies, allowing you to accept multiple types of crypto donations on your Elementor pages. = Is MetaMask the only payment option for donations? =\ The plugin integrates seamlessly with MetaMask, but you can also display your cryptocurrency wallet address and QR code for manual donations. = Is the donation feature secure? =\ Yes, the donation feature is secure, especially with MetaMask integration, which uses a trusted and widely adopted crypto wallet solution. Transactions are handled directly between users and their wallets. = Will the plugin slow down my website? =\ No, the plugin is optimized for performance and designed to work efficiently with Elementor. It fetches only necessary data, minimizing the impact on your website's speed. = Does this plugin work with caching plugins? =\ Yes, the plugin is compatible with most caching plugins. However, to ensure real-time updates of cryptocurrency data, make sure dynamic content is excluded from caching.

How can I report security bugs?

You can report security bugs through the Patchstack Vulnerability Disclosure Program. The Patchstack team help validate, triage and handle any security vulnerabilities. Report a security vulnerability.


Version 1.7.0| 28/02/2025 Fixed: Advanced table issue. Fixed: Minor bug fix. Version 1.6.9| 18/12/2024 Fixed: Donation-box widget QR code not working. Tested up to: Elementor Version 3.26.0. Version 1.6.8| 13/12/2024 Fixed: Text Domain issue. Version 1.6.7| 16/11/2024 update: Minor textual changes Version 1.6.6| 16/11/2024 Fixed: Custom Coin Settings. update: Minor textual changes Tested up to: WordPress Version 6.7 Tested up to: Elementor Version 3.25.6 Version 1.6.5| 29/10/2024 Improved: Security improvements. Version 1.6.4| 04/10/2024 Fixed: Top gainer loser widget issue. fixed: fixed the minor security issue. Version 1.6.3| 27/05/2024 Improved: Code improvement. Fixed: Invalid coin data issue. Version 1.6.2| 19/04/2024 Updated: Donation box QR code library. Fixed: Circulating supply warning issue. Fixed: Coinpaprika API issues. Fixed: Broken logo issues. Version 1.6.1| 20/01/2024 Fixed:Compatibility issues. Version 1.6| 20/01/2024 Fixed: Minor security vulnerabilities. Improved: Overall security measures. Tested upto: WordPress Version 6.4.2. Tested upto:Elementor Version 3.18.3 Version 1.5.8| 04/12/2023 Added: Coingecko free api key option. Updated: Option to set cache time. Updated: Coins logos. Tested upto: WordPress Version 6.4.1. Version 1.5.7| 16/11/2023 Tested upto: WordPress Version 6.4. Tested upto:Elementor Version 3.17.3 Version 1.5.6| 19/10/2023 Fixed: Deprecated message issue. Version 1.5.5| 06/09/2023 Fixed: Minor fixes. Tweaks: Minor textual changes Version 1.5.4| 21/08/2023 Fixed: Deprecated message warning. Improved: MetaMask UI & Code. Wordpress tested up to: Version 6.3. Elementor tested up to: Version 3.15.3 Version 1.5.3| 28/06/2023 Fixed: Minor Security fix. Improved: Review notice code improvement. Improved: Minor code tweaks. Version 1.5.2 | 31/11/2023 Updated:Dashboard API. Minor Changes: Textual changes. Wordpress tested up to: Version 6.2. Elementor tested up to: Version 3.12.0 Version 1.5.1 | 09/11/2022 Improved: Textual changes. Version 1.5 | 1/09/2022 Added: Coin Paprika API Added: Setting Menu In Dashboard. Added: Cache Delete Button Added: Set Cache Time Option Added: Typography settings Added: Coin Logos Version 1.4.1 | 25/08/2022 Improved:Tested with Elementor 3.7.2 Version 1.4 | 28/05/2022 Added:New card style Added:MataMask default price option Fixed:Dashboard pro plugin missing data issue Fixed:Table price update issue Fixed:Donation box MetaMask issue Improved:MetaMask UI & code Improved:list style Version 1.3.2 | 14/04/2022 Fixed: QR code not working issue inside Donation widget Version 1.3 | 07/04/2022 Fixed: Major Security updates Improved: overall code improvements Version 1.2.1 | 02/03/2022 Fixed: Minor compatibility issue with Old PHP versions. Version 1.2 | 03/02/2022 Added:Dashboard Page Added:Openexchangerate API rating Added:Review Notice in widget Added:Pro plugin demo link in widget Fix:No Coin Data Found issue Version 1.1 | 24/08/2021 Added:Crypto Donation widget with two layouts tabs&list Added:feedback form Added:feedback notice Version 1.0.1 | 20/07/2021 Tweaks:Escaped all attributes and HTML Improved:Improved overall code Version 1.0 --Initial Release---