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CuratorCrowd Recipe Box

开发者 americanhometownmedia
更新时间 2024年10月19日 03:36
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


food recipes cook cooking recipe box food blog kitchen home cooks pinch it


1.0.0 1.1.0 1.2.0 1.2.1 1.3.0


Your food blog already has a recipe card plugin — now it’s time to turbocharge it! Give your audience a recipe box to easily save, organize, and share your delicious recipes. ...And grow your email list at the same time! The CuratorCrowd™ Recipe Box Plugin™ is an on-page central hub for your readers to save, manage, and share recipes. It was built specifically for food influencers to help increase user engagement and strengthen your relationship with your readers. The CuratorCrowd Recipe Box is free and seamlessly embeds into your WordPress blog by affixing a recipe box that slides in and out on the left margin of each page. It’s super simple to install and even easier to grow your email list. How? Through co-registration! The CuratorCrowd™ Recipe Box Plugin™ is powered by Just A Pinch Recipes, so users can easily access their personal recipe box through a simple co-registration or login with right from the plugin without leaving your site. Download your opt-ins at any time from Note: you are required to update your privacy policy for co-registration. This is industry-proven technology with over 8+ years of development & usage by leading food publishers. Millions of cloud-based recipe box users have saved over 25 million recipes from 24,500 different publishers. Here's why food bloggers love the Recipe Box Plugin™: Here's Why Your Visitors Will Love It: What are you waiting for? Install the CuratoroCrowd Recipe Box and start cooking up more traffic with happier visitors while growing your email list and increasing revenues! Testimonials
Since adding the Recipe Box I've removed the pop up opt in for my email list and I'm getting triple the growth with the recipe box opt in vs a pop up. My readers love having a place to save their favorite recipes. This has been a great asset to my site. —Christy Jordan,
My readers love the Recipe Box and it helps to grow my email list! —Kevin Lynch,
The Recipe Box allows you to save and store online recipes so you don't have to print and store pages and pages of favorite recipes and recipes that you want to try. I use it personally to save recipes. It's a valuable resource that drives traffic and email subscriptions to —Paula M. Jones,
My readers love the ability to keep all their favorite recipes in one place and it's helped me grow my email list quickly and easily. —Stacey Little,


  1. Go to "Plugins" > "Add Plugin"
  2. Search for "CuratorCrowd Recipe Box" by American Hometown Media, Inc.
  3. Click "Install Now"
  4. Activate the plugin
  5. Agree to Terms of Use in "Settings" > "CuratorCrowd"
  6. Be sure to clear cache if you use a cache plugin or CDN
  7. (Optional) Register at to customize, see usage stats and download co-registration email list


  • Powered by Just A Pinch Recipes, simple sign-up/login enable readers to save and organize your recipes.
  • Co-Registration, usage stats, and customization are available when you register your site at
  • The Recipe Box Plugin™ slides in/out without leaving your site.
  • Out of the way, yet easily accessible on every page.
  • Built in social sharing.
  • Organize recipes into custom folders.
  • Powered by Just A Pinch Recipes, simple sign-up/login enable readers to save and organize your recipes.
  • Co-Registration, usage stats, and customization are available when you register your site at
  • The Recipe Box Plugin™ slides in/out without leaving your site.
  • Out of the way, yet easily accessible on every page.


1.3.0 Updated with TCX Support


Why Should I Add the Recipe Box Plugin™ to My Website?

This is often the first question we get from food bloggers who find out about the Recipe Box Plugin™. The Recipe Box Plugin™ is part of the CuratorCrowd™ Traffic & Engagement Platform built specifically for food blogs and websites to drive traffic, improve user engagement & increase revenue. The Recipe Box Plugin gives your readers a place to save recipes from your site and around the web making it their central online hub for recipes. They'll come back to your site again and again.

Does the Recipe Box Plugin™ cost anything?

No! It's absolutely free.

Free, really? Aren't you just going to try to upsell me on a paid or “premium” version?

We're serious, the Recipe Box Plugin™ is absolutely free! There are no premium or paid versions.

I'm not a developer, will I be able to install the Recipe Box Plugin™ on my blog/website?

Absolutely! We built the Recipe Box Plugin™ to be extremely easy to install, either with our Wordpress Plugin or by copying and pasting a short line of code into your website's template.

Slow down, you're scaring me with talk of adding code to my website - can I really do this myself?

You can! it's really simple whether using the Wordpress Plugin or any of the other ways to install the Recipe Box Plugin™.

OK - if I get stuck, do you offer any support for me?

Yes! We pride ourselves on offering awesome support and almost always answer support questions within 1 business day. Send us an email at whenever you have a question or suggestion!

If I add this to my blog/website will it slow down my site or impact my site performance?

No, we've built the Recipe Box Plugin™ for speed so it won't impact page load time. It's been tested over 8 years and already powers millions of cloud-based recipe boxes, with over 24 million saved recipes from over 24 thousand blogs and food sites.

Are there ads in the Recipe Box Plugin™?

There are no ads in the Recipe Box Plugin™. If our blog partners want to add advertising or sponsorships, we could consider it for discussion purposes at a later date.

Will the Recipe Box Plugin™ take visitors away from my blog/website?

Au contraire! (that's fancy talk for c'mon now!) We've actually built the Recipe Box Plugin™ to increase engagement from your readers/visitors, keeping them on your site longer, helping you build your email list and bringing them back for repeat visits to your blog/website. When users click on links to your site from your Recipe Box Plugin, it links directly to your site. Links to other sites open in a new window keeping visitors on your site. = How do I brand the Recipe Box with my blog name and logo? Your box automatically adds your domain name. You can also upload your logo to enhance your branding after you verify ownership of your site at

Wait - I can build my email list? I like the sound of that, tell me more.

Once you verify ownership of your website and update your privacy policy, registered users can opt-in to your email list.

Why do I have to verify ownership of my site and update my privacy policy to get emails from someone signing up on my own website?

We take privacy and security seriously. Verifying site ownership assures you that we won't share your site stats and/or data with anyone but the site owner (you). And just like we present our privacy policy to first-time recipe box users creating a Just A Pinch account, your users are presented with your updated privacy policy at time of selecting email lists allowing us to share that information with you. It's mutual transparency between you, us and users. = Are there any new features being developed for the Recipe Box Plugin™? Yes! We are continually testing and researching new features to make the Recipe Box Plugin™ more valuable for food publishers. ECommerce and shoppable recipes are anticipated enhancements as those solutions mature.


1.3.0 1.2.1 1.2 1.1 1.0