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Current Year Shortcodes

开发者 praxismarketing
更新时间 2024年1月3日 17:54
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.4.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode time date year day month current


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Current Year Shortcodes lets you insert the current year, month and day anywhere in your WordPress site with a simple shortcode. Use the shortcode [Y] in any post, page or widget to display the current year. How it works [Y] - inserts the current year with four digits e.g. 2023 [y] - inserts the current year with two digits e.g. 23 [m] - inserts the current month with two digits e.g. 01 [n] - inserts the current month without leading zeros e.g. 1 [F] - inserts the current month as a text e.g. January [M] - inserts the current month with three letters e.g. Jan [d] - inserts the current day with two digits e.g. 06 [j] - inserts the current day without leading zeros e.g. 6 [D] - inserts the current day with three letters e.g. Mon [l] - inserts the current day as a text e.g. Monday


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