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Custom Logging Service

开发者 ccprog
更新时间 2016年12月10日 02:11
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.7
版权: GPL2




1.0.0 1.0.1 1.0.2 1.0.3


This plugin is derived from the no longer supported Wordpress Logging Service. Despite that it is not compatiple with it, and there is no upgrade path from one to the other. Features


  1. Install from Plugins -> Add New
  2. Or download the .zip and extract to wp-content/plugins
  3. Activate the plugin from the Plugins menu. In Multisite installations, feel free to activate as a network plugin or to leave it to individual blogs.
  4. Go to Settings -> Custom Logging Service for the next steps
Settings Generating Log messages This plugin does not generate any log messages by itself. You need other plugins to interact with it through the API; see the API section for details.


  • Settings screen
  • Log page


Where are the logs?

Find them under Dashboard -> Selected Logs.

I can't find the option to add roles for log management!

If the plugin has been installed network-wide in Multisite, only the Super Admin has access to the logs. Sorry, I don't understand role management in Multisite.


1.0.3 Compatibility with WP 4.7 1.0.2 Compatibility with WP 4.6 1.0.1 Compatibility with WP 4.5 1.0.0 First version, derived from zaantar's Wordpress Logging Service