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Custom Posts Order

开发者 hiren1612
更新时间 2020年11月24日 19:26
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 3.0.1 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.6
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


post widget page sortable list order easy simple custom display reorder manage listing ordering drag drop orderby


1.0 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.4 4.3


Custom Posts Order plugin will order posts with simple Drag and Drop Sortable capability. Place a shortcode in page, post, text widget or template files to display in front-end. It's that simple.
  1. Quick and easy drag and drop for rearranging of posts.
  2. Set the number of posts to display in front-end.
  3. User can add different list of sections of particular posts.
Usage Place this shortcode in page, post or text widget where you'd like to display posts. [posts_order posts=2 section=porder_name] Parameters Custom Posts Order plugin supports the "posts" parameter where you can pass the number of posts you want to display in frontend and "section" parameter where you can pass the name of the section to be displayed in frontend. For example if you want to display 3 posts from Section1 at a time then place the following code: [posts_order posts=3 section=Section1] By default it displays 5 posts. Templates Place this shortcode in any template parts of your theme. ` `


  1. Upload "custom_posts_order" to the "/wp-content/plugins/" directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the "Plugins" menu in WordPress.
How to Use
  1. Place shortcode [posts_order posts=3 section=porder_name] in wordpress page, post or text widget, where in the "posts" parameter you can pass the number of posts and name of the section in "section" parameter you want to display in frontend. 5 posts will be displayed by default .
  2. Place the code <?php echo do_shortcode('[posts_order posts=3 section=porder_name]'); ?> in template files, where in the "posts" parameter you pass the number of posts and name of the section in "section" parameter you want to display in frontend. 5 posts will be displayed by default .


  • Posts Listing. Here you can change the post order by simple drag and drop functionality.
  • Frontend display.
  • After activating the plugin it will be hooked in Settings Menu.
  • Section Listing. Here you can Add/Edit and Delete the sections.
  • Posts Listing. Here you can change the post order by simple drag and drop functionality.
  • Frontend display.
  • After activating the plugin it will be hooked in Settings Menu.
  • Section Listing. Here you can Add/Edit and Delete the sections.


Having problems, questions, bugs & suggestions

Contact us at


v1.0 v4.0 v4.1 v4.2 v4.3