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Custom Strava Integration

开发者 floriankimmel
更新时间 2015年9月30日 14:29
PHP版本: 3.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


shortcode running biking strava



The "Custom Strava Integration" is a powerful plugin that makes integrating strava activities easy and simple. It gives you the opportunity to create output exactly the way you like it. The Plugin Basically what this plugin does is adding the shortcode [strava id="[activity id]"] to your post, receiving data via Strava API v3 and filling the preconfigured template with this information. Configuration You want full control of the shortcode's output ? No Problem. You can specify a template at the settings page and define the positions of strava information. Therefore 'Custom Strava Integration' provides these placeholders: You can not only customize the style by using CSS features, moreover you have full control over the html output. Moreover you can choose the type of display unit (mi/ft or km/m) you want to use. Difference to other solutaions We know that strava also does offer their own embedded widget, but this plugin: You can concentrate on the important things - writing good blog posts!


  1. Upload the folder strava-for-wordpress to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Plugin Setup
  1. Please create a application on Strava first! Go here [] for more details.
  2. It is also important to make sure that the redirect URI you enter is the same as your site.
  3. After creating the application go to the Settings page and enter the client id and secret.
  4. Save settings
  5. Click "Connect with Strava" on the settings page to generate an access token
Add to page/post Basically what this plugin does is adding the shortcode [strava id="[activity id]"] to your post, receiving data via Strava API v3 and filling the preconfigured template with this information. Of course you could paste the snippet manually, but in order to do so you would have to leave your site and find the needed id by yourself. The easier way is to choose one of the listed activities in the right corner of your post editing page and let the plugin do the work for you. No more copy and paste!


  • Add Client Id & Secret to be able to connect to strava
  • Configure the template the way you like it
  • Add Shortcode(s) by choosing from the list of activities


  • Plugin released.


Do i really need to add a strava app?

Yes this is required by strava to allow access to your activities

