Customize My Account for WooCommerce
SysBasics Customize My Account for WooCommerce Plugin add dashboard links , user avatar, manage My Account endpoints & account/registration fields
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Live Demo for Pro version features
== Description ==
Customize My Account for WooCommerce
Customize your default my account page. Reorder them , hide existing core endpoints. You will also be able to change the default endpoint.
Main Features of Customize My Account for WooCommerce plugin
- Add new endpoints in the My Account page, visible to your users , and choose what the content will be using third party shortcodes. You can use third party
subscription , royalty , coupons , wallet related shortcodes.
- Create Specific endpoints , links , groups into my account page that are visible only specific roles or users;
- Choose and customize the layout of the My Account page so to make it more usable and modern;
- Hide/show existing endpoitns without using any extra code.
- Add icons to your existings my account page endpoints. Optionally you can display them as dashboard links and most importantly show them inside
My account widget.
- Compatible with WPML and WPML sticky links.
Modify the default WooCommerce endpoints
- This is the most important feature of this plugin just after activation using checkboxes you exclude/include/rename existing endpoints. set icons to existing and new endpoint/links. Plugin support three types of library as of now for icons. Font Awesome, Dashicons and you can also upload your own icon.
Plugin also seamlessly integrates itself with third party endpoints. It recognises the existing endpoint. Best part is that you can even reorder/rename that
third party endpoint. In certain cases if you want this plugin to take over third party endpoint, just hide the existing third party endpoint by unchecking
the checkbox then create new endpoint with same slug and it will work fine. For example you have Rewards Endpoint that are sourced from any other plugin which has revwards slud. in that case if you want full control as other endpoints just hide existing endpoint and add new endpoint with rewards slug and it will just work fine.
Manage Custom fields on Edit My Account Page
-You can hide the existing fields on WooCommerce Edit account page as well as add new fields there, Plugin supports 15 new field type including file upload for that. YOu can collect data from user for this fields plus you can conditionally show/hide these fields based on various conditions.
Make your Dashboard Pretty with Dashboard links (Pro Feature)
-Plugin upon activation ads dashboard links or you may call it banner to your dashboard page. Most importantly you can manage the order of those dashboard links and you can also exclude certain endpoints from being included in dashboard links. Certain themes do have this feature inbuilt , in those case we
have provided you option to disable this feature completely. It works on most possible scenarios with wider theme compatibility. This feature is part of pro version only.
My Account navigation widget menu
- Plugin has inbuilt my account navigation widget menu feature where you can include existing endpoint links and display them into any menu of your site. Plugin also support navigation widget under appearance/menu field.
Allow WooCommerce users to change avatar
- Pugin by default upon activation displays nice gravtar on my account page where optionally you can allow them to change the avatar by uploading png/jpg file. you can even adjust the dimension of avatar for users.
Redirect default dashboard to endpoint (Pro Feature)
- Using simple option you can replace default page from dashboard to orders , downloads or something else. you can even create custom endpoint and send users there upon login. This feature is useful specially if you don't like the default dashboard. Using elementor you can create clone template of dashboard or other endpoint and replace that with new cloned template. This feature is part of pro version only.
Make WooCommerce My Account Endpoints Ajax Powered (Pro Feature)
- Using simple option you can make Entire my account endpoints content loaded via Ajax, This could improve end user feel about your site. It does work with custom groups and custom endpoints. Simply visit the settings tab and set yes for Enable Ajax navigation option and you will see smoother loading experience on frontend.Ajax navigation even works with dashboard links and internal my account page links like Edit shipping address and Edit billing address Check our pro version demo for this feature. This feature is part of pro version only.
Override endpoints using elementor
- This plugin is even charm with free plugin elementor where you can create cloned template of existing endpoints and replace existing endpoints with cloned endpoints usind elementor's drag and drop feature.
Change From your account dashboard text
- WooCommerce displays "Change From your account dashboard text" at the begining of dashboard content after "Hello , username" text which could be very irritating for many. Using this plugin you can simply hide "Hello , username" text plus you can hide entire intro text "From your account dashboard you can view your ..." and you can also add new custom html or plan content just as a replacement of that text. Just visit the settings of dashboard endpoint and you should be able to find three toggle to enable or disable any.
Make WooCommerce My account menu horizontal (Pro Feature)
- WooCommerce by default have vertical menu which is good for most case scenario but in certain cases where menu items are limited users can opt for horizontal menu. Just visit the settings tab and set yes for Enable horizontal menu. This feature is compatible with most of popular themes out there. This feature is part of pro version only.
ACF forms in WooCommerce My Account
- Using third party plugin Frontend Admin by DynamiApps You can create dynamic forms within your woocommerce my account page. possible use case scenario like having profile edit form inside endpoint, guest posting form , recipe submission form etc. Possibilities are endless with this.
Customize My Account for WooCommerce Other features
- Modify existing endpoints.
- Add My Account navigation widget to any menu.
- Add custom links to your my account pages.
- Drag and drop UI.
- Modify WooCommerce My account Navigation background color
- Modify WooCommerce My account Navigation text color
- Modify WooCommerce My account menu item background color
- Easily Create new custom my account page using Customize My Account widgets for free elementor widgets.
Customize My Account for WooCommerce free version features
- Show/hide woocommerce core endpoints
- Reorder core woocommerce my account endpoints
- Add extra class to core endpoint
- Add New link as endpoint on my account page
- Show user avatar on my account page
- Drag and drop UI
- Use Dashicons for WooCommerce My Account Endpoints. Plugin has inbuilt dashicon picker. If somehow font awesome icons not working for you , you can opt for dashicon which has wider compatibility across all themes.
- Optionally replace entire my account with custom elementor template.
- Optionally override endpoint content with elementor template content
Use automatic installer.
Version 2.14.3 - 13 February 2025
- Enhancement - Updated plugin readme.txt.
- Enhancement - Verified Compatibility with latest wp/wc release and added compatibility tags.
- Enhancement - Option to move sticky sidebar to right side.
- Enhancement - Introduction of Mobile Friendly Sticky sidebar menu limited theme compatibility.
Version 2.13.11 - 29 January 2025
- Version 2.13.11 (29 January 2025) - Added Require WooCommerce Tag.
- Version 2.13.10 (29 January 2025) - Show pro popup on disabled toggles.
- Version 2.13.8 (28 January 2025) - Changed menu text to Edit Adress Fields.
- Version 2.13.7 (28 January 2025) - Reintroduced Field Forms.
- Version 2.13.6 (28 January 2025) - Deprecated - Field Forms within My Account Fields Module.
- Version 2.13.5 (28 January 2025) - Enhancement - Possible to manage my address fields using easy checkout field module.
- Version 2.13.4 (27 January 2025) - Fix - Debug error invalid nonce supplied.
- Fix - Debug error _load_textdomain_just_in_time was called incorrectly.
- Version 2.13.3 (24 January 2025) - Fix - Debug errors related previous release.
- Version 2.13.2 (23 January 2025) - Enhancement - Added Contact Support button to deactivation popup.
- Version 2.13.1 (23 January 2025) - Enhancement - Added list of features to pro popup.
- Version 2.13.0 Enhancement (23 January 2025) - Provided module enable/disable page.
Version 2.12.0 - 21 January 2025
- Fix - Shortcode not working in dashboard content.
Version 2.11.3 - 19 January 2025
- Fix - Debug errors arised after 2.11.0
Version 2.10.1 - 08 December 2024
- Fix - Debug error appearing on WooCommcer Pages.
Version 2.9.3 - 27 November 2024
Version 2.8.22 - 19 November 2024
- Version 2.8.22 - Fix - Dashboard notice removed.
- Version 2.8.21 - Enhancement - Show notice about pro version.
- Version 2.8.20 - Fix - Recognition of third party addons.
- Version 2.8.19 - Fix - Endpoints not getting removed.
- Version 2.8.18 - Fix - issue with core required fields in field form.
- Version 2.8.17 - Enhancement - Elementor vertical and horizontal navigation widget.
- Version 2.8.16 - Enhancement - Added notice about elementor template location.
- Version 2.8.15 - Enhancement - Changed tab text.
- Version 2.8.14 - Enhancement - Improved compatibility with third party endpoints.
- Version 2.8.13 - Enhancement - Improved compatibility with third party endpoints.
- Version 2.8.12 - Fix - File upload module disabled temporarily.
- Version 2.8.11 - Fix - forms showing notice when not logged in.
- Version 2.8.9 - Fix - new fields not being added.
- Version 2.8.8 - Fix - toggle not working in backend.
- Version 2.8.7 - Fix - debug errors related to previous release.
- Version 2.8.6 - Enhancement - Enhanced elementor template functionality.
- version 2.8.5 - Fix - My account page goes black after saving.
- version 2.8.3 - Fix - unique_syntax added to prevent conflict.
- version 2.8.2 - Added notice on account fields tab.
- Enhancement - Added Missing strings after plugin check(pcp) test.
Version 2.7.30 - 06 November 2024
- 2.7.30 - Fix - Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerability discovered by vgo0 at WordFence Security.
- 2.7.29 - Fix - issues with multiple fields.
- 2.7.28 - Fix - issues with datepicker field.
- 2.7.27 - Fix - Translation issues.
- 2.7.26 - Fix - Bugs that created issue with checkout fields.
- 2.7.25 - Ehnahcement - Dashboard links feature.
- 2.7.24 - Enhancement - Hook to enable dashboard links.
- 2.7.23 - Fix - issue with select field.
- 2.7.22 - Fix - bug that prevent certain field types from working.
- 2.7.21 - Fix - issue with account fields.
- 2.7.20 - Enhancement - Show submitted field details on user admin ui.
- 2.7.19 - Enhancement - Display notice if customer do not enter required field.
- 2.7.18 - Enhancement - Added notice to suggest that admins can manage Edit account fields.
- 2.7.17 - Enhancement - Ability to Modify/add Additional fields on Account Edit section.
- 2.7.16 - Fix - removed hide in dashboard links option.
- 2.7.15 - Fix - Added reminer notice about dashboard default text.
- 2.7.14 - Fix - Critical bug with previous release.
- 2.7.13 - User user display name instead of username, fix - dashboard intro text settings lost after adding endpoint.
- 2.7.12 - Removed activation wizard.will be added again with accuracy.
2.7.11 - Updated plugin description.
Fix - - Bug with previous release.
Version 2.1.1 - 21 December 2023
Enhancement - - Added wcmamtx_Appsero client.
Version 2.1.0 - 15 December 2023
Enhancement - Added options to override elementor widgets.
Version 2.0.13 - 14 December 2023
Version 2.0.13 - Fix - Tabs not getting hidden in dashboard links.
- Version 2.0.12 - Fix - Debug errors.
- Version 2.0.11 - Enhancement- Removed feature of overiding endpoint content temporarily, could be added after full testing and fixing known issues.
- Version 2.0.10 - Fix - woodmart navigation appears on product single page.
- Version 2.0.9 - Enhancement - Added plugin deactivation survey.
- Version 2.0.8 - Enhancement - Improved author support links.
- Version 2.0.7 - Enhancement - Removed changelog.txt instead use
- Version 2.0.6 - Enhancement - Added Changelog.
- Version 2.0.5 - Fix - Bug related to previous release.
- Version 2.0.4 - Fix - Updated plugin author url.
- Version 2.0.3 - Enhancement - Improvements in backend links and button css.
- Version 2.0.2 - Fix- Debug Errors.
- Version 2.0.1 - Fix- issue with previous release.
- Enhancement - Allows users to try 2 endpoint and 2 groups.