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SysBasics Customize My Account for WooCommerce

开发者 phppoet
更新时间 2025年2月25日 06:03
PHP版本: 5.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce customize endpoints my account user avatar


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Customize My Account for WooCommerce SysBasics Customize My Account for WooCommerce Plugin add dashboard links , user avatar, manage My Account endpoints & account/registration fields Upgrade to pro Check Live Demo for Pro version features == Description == Customize My Account for WooCommerce Customize your default my account page. Reorder them , hide existing core endpoints. You will also be able to change the default endpoint. Main Features of Customize My Account for WooCommerce plugin Modify the default WooCommerce endpoints Manage Custom fields on Edit My Account Page -You can hide the existing fields on WooCommerce Edit account page as well as add new fields there, Plugin supports 15 new field type including file upload for that. YOu can collect data from user for this fields plus you can conditionally show/hide these fields based on various conditions. Make your Dashboard Pretty with Dashboard links (Pro Feature) -Plugin upon activation ads dashboard links or you may call it banner to your dashboard page. Most importantly you can manage the order of those dashboard links and you can also exclude certain endpoints from being included in dashboard links. Certain themes do have this feature inbuilt , in those case we have provided you option to disable this feature completely. It works on most possible scenarios with wider theme compatibility. This feature is part of pro version only. My Account navigation widget menu Allow WooCommerce users to change avatar Redirect default dashboard to endpoint (Pro Feature) Make WooCommerce My Account Endpoints Ajax Powered (Pro Feature) Override endpoints using elementor Change From your account dashboard text Make WooCommerce My account menu horizontal (Pro Feature) ACF forms in WooCommerce My Account Customize My Account for WooCommerce Other features Customize My Account for WooCommerce free version features


Use automatic installer.


  • customize my account for woocommerce
  • customize my account for woocommerce
  • customize my account for woocommerce
  • customize my account for woocommerce Free
  • customize my account for woocommerce Frontend


Privacy Policy Customize My Account for WooCommerce uses Appsero SDK to collect some telemetry data upon user's confirmation. This helps us to troubleshoot problems faster & make product improvements. Appsero SDK does not gather any data by default. The SDK only starts gathering basic telemetry data when a user allows it via the admin notice. We collect the data to ensure a great user experience for all our users. Integrating Appsero SDK DOES NOT IMMEDIATELY start gathering data, without confirmation from users in any case. Learn more about how Appsero collects and uses this data.


How to enable dashboard links ?

To enable dashboard links paste below given php code into your theme's functions.php or create php code snippet into code snippet plugin. add_filter('wcmamtx_show_dashboard_links','wcmamtx_show_dashboard_links_function'); function wcmamtx_show_dashboard_links_function() { return 'yes'; }

Is plugin compatible with WPML ?

yes. you can use this plugin with WPML and locotranslate both. For WPML visit WPML/Theme and plugins localization menu and search for this plugin and click on “scan the selected plugins for scan” button. Now visit WPML/string translation and click on “Translate texts in admin screens” link at the bottom. There search for wcmamtx_advanced_settings and wcmamtx_plugin_options and check the fields you want to translate. Then apply the changes. Now visit WPML/String translation and translate your strings there.

Is plugin compatible with WPML Sticky links ?


Can plugin used without elementor or with other page builders ?


Is it possible to override MY Account text in wicget with something like hello,username ?

yes. First make sure you have version 2.5.11 or higher then you can use below given hook to modify default text add_filter('wcmamtx_my_account_nav_widget_text','wcmamtx_my_account_nav_widget_text_function',10,1); function wcmamtx_my_account_nav_widget_text_function($default_text) { if ( !is_user_logged_in() ) { return $default_text; } $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $user_name= $current_user->display_name; $default_text = 'Hello , '.ucfirst($user_name).''; return $default_text; } use above give php code snippet . you may use code snippets plugin to inject any extra php code.


Version 2.14.3 - 13 February 2025 Version 2.13.11 - 29 January 2025 Version 2.12.0 - 21 January 2025 Version 2.11.3 - 19 January 2025 Version 2.10.1 - 08 December 2024 Version 2.9.3 - 27 November 2024 Version 2.8.22 - 19 November 2024 Version 2.7.30 - 06 November 2024