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Customizer Dev Tools

开发者 xwp
更新时间 2017年11月9日 14:44
PHP版本: 4.7 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.9
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


debug development customizer debugging customize developer dev-tools


0.1.0 0.1.1


The customizer is a single-page application that includes a lot of events, messages, and state changes which drive the application. Being aware of these things is essential for developing JavaScript for the customizer. To use, activate the plugin, open the customizer and the browser console and enter: CustomizerDevTools.startLogging() You can then either start interacting with the customizer app to see the log entries from that point, or you can reload the customizer to see the log entries emitted during the customizer initialization. Not everything in the customizer is currently implemented to emit a log entry. File an issue for any specific event that may be needed. Features: Make sure you also install the Customizer Browser History and Customize Snapshots plugins so that you can reload the browser window and have the Customizer load with the same state as before you reloaded, including the persistence of the focused panel, section, control, the previewed URL, the scroll position in the preview, and which device is being previewed. Requires PHP≥5.3.


  • Messages sent/received and events triggered during Customizer load.
  • Logging the changing of the Site Title.
  • Logging the change of a nav menu item from a saved sate.
  • Expanding the Site Identity section and then navigating to edit a widget.
  • Changes to `wp.customize.state` when saving the customizer changes.
  • State changes, messages, and events related to saving.


0.1.1 [2017-11-14] 0.1.0 [2016-08-18] Initial release