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WP to kintone

开发者 cybozu-kintone
更新时间 2018年4月5日 08:45
PHP版本: 4.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 4.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


email form contact crm database questionnaire cybozu kintone


1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6


This plugin is not maintained and is not recommended. Please consider using Form data to kintone. このプラグインはメンテナンスされておらず、使用は推奨しません。 Form data to kintoneの利用をご検討ください。 Get the app design information that you create with kintone, and then automatically generate the input form on WordPress. Since the data that has been registered from the input form will be stored in the kintone, so it can be secondary utilization by using a function of kintone. Setup is very simple, just write one line short code in WordPress. What is kintone? It is a cloud service that can make the business applications with non-programming provided by Cybozu. Collaborate with team members and partners via apps and workspaces. Short code format [kintone app="app id" token="api token" sub_domain="subdomain name" exclude="field1, field2" orderby="code" order="asc"] Example: [kintone app="15" token="0cTa77e2QSRsSM9II1innamRAmdhEaii2Y45fwAv" sub_domain="example" exclude="priority" orderby="code" order="desc"] Required value are "app", "token", "sub_domain". For cache function This plugin caches the form information of kintone to WordPress, in order to prevent the excess of the API number of requests to kintone. After you write the short code in the post, it will cache when the article is displayed at the first time. The expiration date of the cache is not provided, and it will flash when the save processing of articles has been carried out. If you have made a change of field items of kintone, please save the post of WordPress. When you logged in as admin, it will not cached when you see the page.


  1. Upload the entire cybozu-wordpress-to-kintone folder to the / wp-content / plugins / directory.
  2. Write an equation for the confirmatory reaction of each cation and anion based on the experimental results of Operation 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Open the post edit screen in the WordPress administration screen, and in the text editor pane, put the short code in the place where you want to display.


  • screenshot-1.png
  • screenshot-2.png
  • screenshot-3.png


Any field it can not be associated?

"The fields it can not be associated." in the below web page can not be associated to WordPress even if put in kinote. (Sorry, only in Japanese) If you have questions about WordPress to kintone, please contact the following e-mail address. For the operation of kintone, the above contact can't handle. Please contact Cybozu.
