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Daily Attendance

开发者 jaedm97
更新时间 2024年3月17日 03:28
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 4.6 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.3
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


attendance daily attendance hr attendance




Manage daily attendance of staff with this small, light-weighted and free tool. Features Shortcode [attendance_form] using this shortcode you can display a form in anywhere of your website, where your users will able to give their attendance easily. Before trying to hit attendance they will have to be logged in and they will see their name just to be confirmed. Google Chrome Extension Download Extension Pluginbazar provides an extension for Google Chrome Browser, with this great tool you will have extra benifits towards your users. If your users add it to their browser then no need to browse any webpage/form to give attendance. Just they need to hit a button on the extension popup box. Before using the extension, the users must fill the options to connect wiht the attendance server. API Support You can integrate this plugin to any third party softwares/tools easily with it's API. It's so simple to integrate. Endpoint: Field Parameter: * userName | type string | required * passWord | type string | required To know more about endpoint please contact us or ask here in Plugin support. We are excited to get your feedback.


  1. Install as regular WordPress plugin.
  2. Go your plugin settings via WordPress Dashboard and find "Daily Attendance" activate it.


  • screenshot-4.png
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  • screenshot-4.png
  • screenshot-5.png
  • screenshot-2.png
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