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Daily Prayer Time

开发者 mmrs151
更新时间 2025年2月28日 23:25
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 7.2 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.6
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


salat namaz prayer time salah time Quran verse


2023.08.19.1 2019.5.14 2024.12.29 2023.10.21 2020.07.03 2023.03.20 2021.07.23 2019.5.19.1 2021.03.28 2021.08.01 2021.08.10 2021.09.24 2021.10.01 2021.10.21 2021.10.15 2022.04.22 2022.11.14 2022.04.21 2022.11.16 2022.12.18 2022.12.20 2023.02.04 2023.02.09 2024.04.26 2019.3.1 2019.5.21 2019.5.8 2019.8.4 2019.9.16 2021.07.28 2021.10.11 2022.04.15 2023.03.08 2023.03.18 2019.5.7 2021.08.06 2022.04.14 2019.4.5 2019.5.19 2024.08.24 2019.11.19 2019.2.16 2019.4.1 2019.5.12 2019.5.13 2020.05.04 2021.01.10 2021.10.27 2024.04.18 2024.04.20 2024.08.26 2024.09.12 2024.09.14 2019.10.16 2019.5.30 2019.5.5 2019.6.10 2019.6.22 2019.7.25 2019.8.1 2020.04.26 2020.05.01 2021.07.24 2022.09.19 2023.01.27 2023.05.04 2023.08.03 2023.10.13 2023.12.28 2023.12.31 2024.03.28 2024.03.29 2019.6.2 2021.09.23 2023.11.26 2024.03.30 2019.5.6 2019.5.9 2019.7.10 2020.04.25 2020.05.08 2020.05.17 2021.09.12 2021.09.18 2021.10.02 2021.10.10 2022.03.24 2022.04.04 2023.03.17 2023.08.08.16 2023.08.19 2025.01.02 2021.07.20 2021.10.29 2023.02.21 2024.04.22 2021.08.07 2022.05.04 2024.09.17 2024.12.30 2025.01.17 2025.02.02


For video tutorial please follow these links: You need to upload your masjid's timetable from plugin admin section. PULL REQUEST [GITHUB] Add your commit and make a pull request. Please describe your feature, I will add it to the core. [IMPORTANT] If you don't see any update of this plugin for over a year, I might have deparated. Please feel free to copy the whole code and relase in a different name, so the masajid can be served. My sole intention is to support the ummah. So I have absolutely no complain as long as you have the same intention, Fi Sabilillah. Mustafiz. 特点 Once the installation above is done, this will allow the Admin/Editor shortcodes
  1. [monthlytable] - Display Yearly and Monthly prayer time with ajax month selector
  2. [dailytable_horizontal] - Display daily timetable horizontally
  3. [dailytable_horizontal asr=hanafi] - Display daily timetable horizontally with Hanafi Asr start method
  4. [dailytable_vertical] - Display daily timetable vertically
  5. [dailytable_vertical asr=hanafi] - Display daily timetable vertically with Hanafi Asr start method
  6. [dailytable_horizontal asr=hanafi friday_alert="First Khutbah: 1:15. Second Khutbah: 1:45"] - Display Friday announcement
  7. [monthlytable display=iqamah_only] - Display Iqamah only for Yearly and Monthly prayer time with ajax month selector
  8. [monthlytable display=azan_only] - Display Azan only for Yearly and Monthly prayer time with ajax month selector
  9. [monthlytable heading="Månedlige Tidsplan"] - Display monthly time table heading in any language, default is 'Monthly Time Table for'
  10. [digital_screen] - Display prayer time on big monitors in the masjid
  11. [quran_verse] - Display a random verse from the Holy Quran
  12. **[disable_overnight_dim] - disable overnight dimming of the digital screen ... and more. Check the 'helps-and-tips' page in plugin settings once you install it.


  1. Download the plugin
  2. Simply go under the Plugins page, then click on Add new and select the plugin's .zip file
  3. Alternatively you can extract the contents of the zip file directly to your wp-content/plugins/ folder
  4. Finally, just go under Plugins and activate the plugin
Comprehensive setup Please upload your mosque's timetable in .csv format from the plugin setting page.


  • Sample 1
  • Sample 2
  • Display time remaining for next prayer
  • Random Quran verse
  • Add hadith or your own message
  • Design anyway you like
  • Design anyway you like
  • Design anyway you like
  • Default Website daily view
  • Default Website monthly view
  • Settings page
  • Sample 1
  • Sample 2
  • Display time remaining for next prayer
  • Random Quran verse


  • Set Asr meethod from shortcode
  • Highlight individual shortcode if it is the next prayer


Why my time table is showing all zeros(0)?

You will need to import your mosque's timetable csv from settings section.

Why my date is showing '1, Jan 1970'

Because you have not imported your mosque's timetable or your date format is not valid mysql format, which is (YYYY-MM-DD)

How to display ramadan time

Simply put '1' for the last column(is_ramadan) in the sample csv for the days belongs to ramadan before upload = Why does it not show minutes remaining for next IQAMAH Please check/update your timezone settings in Settings > General = What other features coming in the next updates Please look at

