Displays Hebrew date, sunrise, sunset, and key times for prayers (latest Shema, earliest Plag, etc) along with multiple calculation options (GR''A, M''A). Display is highly customizable, with options to display or hide:
- Hebrew date
- Sunrise and/or sunset
- Earliest time for Plag haMincha
- Latest time to say morning Shema
Within those options, there are choices to show English or Hebrew, Ashkenazi or Sephardi transliterations, and multiple options for calculating times (GR''A, M''A, etc)
This plugin makes one JSON call to
hebcal.com for the the Hebrew date. More information on how this feature works can be found here:
This plugin also makes two JSON calls to Google's Maps API: one to obtain the latitude/longitude for the provided zip code, and another to determine the time zone for that zip code.
More information can be found here:
...and here...
For Shabbat Zman display, please see this plugin:
- Download a copy of the zip file to your computer
- Extract the files.
- FTP to your webserver
- Create a directory inside /wp-content/plugins named "dailyzmanim"
- Upload
to the /wp-content/plugins/dailyzmanim
- Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
Use Appareance -> Widgets to place this information on your page (does not currently support shortcodes or php inserts)
Several CSS style codes are included:
dailyzman: a DIV tag that wraps all the widget content
zmanbigtitle: a SPAN tag for the title of the widget
zmantitle: a SPAN tag for each of the titles within the widget.
Thus, you could format the text by adding the following to your style sheet:
dailyzman { font-size: 12px; }
zmanbigtitle {
font-size: 12px;
font-weight: bold;
text-decoration: underline;
zmantitle { font-weight: bold; }