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Dark Visitors

开发者 gavindarkvisitors
更新时间 2025年1月30日 21:40
PHP版本: 7.0 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7
版权: GPLv3
版权网址: 版权信息


analytics block AI training crawlers


1.11.0 1.0.0 1.1.0 1.12.0 1.5.0 1.6.0 1.14.0 1.15.0 1.7.0 1.16.0 1.8.0 1.4.0 1.13.0 1.17.0 1.3.0 1.9.0 1.10.0 1.18.0


Track AI Agents and Bots on Your Website Half of your traffic is invisible to you. Get realtime insight into the hidden ecosystem of artificial agents browsing, scraping, crawling, and gathering intelligence on your website. Protect your content from unwanted AI training with a robots.txt that stays up to date with the latest bots automatically. Features Demos Links to demos can be found on the home page. Further Detail This plugin connects your website to Dark Visitors. It uses the Dark Visitors API to connect to your account and provide functionality. By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.


  1. Install and activate the Dark Visitors plugin from the WordPress Plugin Directory
  2. Sign up for Dark Visitors and create a new project for your website.
  3. Copy your access token from the project's settings page, then paste it into the access token field on the plugin's configuration page.
Your website is now connected to Dark Visitors.


  • A timeline of all agent visits to the website
  • Insights into an agent's activity on the website
  • Insights into agents who are not following the website's robots.txt rules
  • Agent details including insight into how many websites are blocking it
  • A generated robots.txt


Do I need a Dark Visitors account to use this plugin?

Yes. Setting up an account only takes a few seconds. This is where you'll be able to see insights into agent activity on your website.

Is Dark Visitors free?

Dark Visitors is a freemium service. Most features are free, but you can choose to pay for premium features. More detail can be found on the pricing page.

What are some examples of agents?

Examples include GPTBot, CCBot, Claudebot, PerplexityBot, Googlebot, etc. See the full agent list for more.

Why should I care about agents?

There are many reasons. Their activity affects:

  • Whether your content is used in AI model training
  • If your users can use AI assistants to access your website
  • How your pages appear in search engine results
  • Server resource usage
  • Etc.


1.18.0 1.17.0 1.16.0 1.15.0 1.14.0 1.13.0 1.12.0 1.11.0 1.10.0 1.9.0 1.8.0 1.7.0 1.6.0 1.5.0 1.4.0 1.3.0 1.2.0 1.1.0 1.0.0