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Decimal Product Quantity for WooCommerce

开发者 WPGear
更新时间 2025年3月4日 01:20
捐献地址: 去捐款
PHP版本: 5.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 6.7.2
版权: GPLv2
版权网址: 版权信息


woocommerce quantity variation piece decimal



The plugin makes it possible to sell Products as whole or in parts: 0.5 1.5 etc. (Piece of Product). Min, Max, Step & Default preset Quantity. Variable Products Supported. For example: Pizza. You can sell 1.5 Pizzas, or a quarter. With the price set for 1 piece. Liquids on tap. For example, Kerosene or Olive Oil. You can sell 1.5 liters, with the price set for 1 liter. Bulk materials. For example, Tobacco or Golden Sand. You can sell 0.1 g at a price quoted for 1 g. Futured PRO Version Features: * You can set separate Minimum Product Quantity, Step of Changing the Quantity & Default preset Quantity - for each Variable Product Variation. * You can create RSS Feed for WooCommerce. Support: "Google Merchant Center" (Product data specification) for "Price_Unit_Label" -> [unit_pricing_measure], separate hierarchy Categories -> Products.


  1. Upload 'decimal-product-quantity-for-woocommerce' folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  3. Go to Settings: Products -> Decimal Quantity. Set: Min cart Quantity, Max cart Quantity, Step change Quantity, Default preset Quantity (default preset = 1).
  4. If you have any problems - please ask for support.


  • screenshot-2.png Admin page | WooCommerce Products -> Decimal Quantity. Validation Settings.
  • screenshot-3.png Admin page | WooCommerce Products -> All Products. Column "Quantity".
  • screenshot-4.png Admin page | Product -> General. Here are the Fields: "Minimum cart Quantity", "Step change Quantity", "Default preset Quantity", "Maximum cart Quantity" which override the "default" values. And "Price Unit-Label".
  • screenshot-5.png Front page | Product page. The Quantity field has a Decimal value and "Price Unit-Label".
  • screenshot-6.png Front page | Cart page. The Quantity field has a Decimal value. Subtotals / Totals are recalculated.
  • screenshot-7.png Admin page | WooCommerce Products -> Categories. "Price Unit-Label" and "Quantity options" for all Products in this Category.


17.51.1 2025.02.26 * Fix session_start(): Session cannot be started after headers have already been sent * Tested to WooCommerce: 9.7.0 * Fix Debugger (for 0/false value). 17.51 2025.02.22 * Fix Order Tax Processing. * Update Debugger. 17.50.1 2025.02.16 * Fix Buttons [+]/[-] processing on Cart Page (if Products > 1). * Fix Check is Installed Pro version (for correct Uninstall Processing). 17.50 2025.02.15 * Added "WPGear" Info-Block to Woo Page: "Status". Some parameters will be added to it for the search and solution of conflict situations and problems. 16.49 2025.02.14 * Enqueue JS Scripts instead post for Product Page & Cart Page. * Rename Ext. Function for ability to use Product - JS Object for Ext.Integration: DPQW_Get_QuantityData (Product_ID) -> WDPQ_Get_QuantityData (Product_ID) 16.48.3 2025.02.13 * Fix Cart Buttons [+]/[-] for Manual Mode. * Fix Restored Cart Session. 16.48.2 2025.02.13 * Fix Disable Cart Buttons [+]/[-] if Options Disabled. )) Sorry. 16.48.1 2025.02.13 * Fix Disable Cart Buttons [+]/[-] if Options Disabled. Thanks: Rémy Pommier. 16.48 2025.02.12 * Fix Cart Buttons [+]/[-] for AJAX Mode. * Tested to WP: 6.7.2 16.47 2025.02.11 * Fix Cart Item Subtotal. * Fix Quantity Change Processing on Product Page in some Rounded values. 16.46.1 2025.02.10 * Fix Buttons [+]/[-] CSS. 16.46 2025.02.10 * Fix Cart Item Subtotal for Tax-Include mode. 16.45.2 2025.02.10 * Fix Buttons [+]/[-] Processing (Rounded problems). 16.45.1 2025.02.10 * Fix Buttons: [+]/[-] for Quantity on Cart. 16 2025.02.09 * Add Buttons: [+]/[-] for Quantity on Product Page & Cart. 15.44.2 2025.02.07 * Fix Cart Tax & Totals. 15.44.1 2025.02.07 * Fix Restoring / Clearing Cart from the previous session. 15.44 2025.02.07 * OnLine ConsoleLog Debug Processing. ("View Debug info in Browser Console. On/Off") 14.43.2 2025.02.06 * Fix AJAX Update Cart. (If "Auto correction Quantity": Off) 14.43.1 2025.02.06 * Tested to "WooCommerce High-Performance Order Storage" Mode. * Fix Total Calculation with Tax. 14.43 2025.02.05 * Tested to WooCommerce: 9.6.1 * Fix AJAX Update Cart. Hide Button. * Fix Order Page. Coupons Item Total. (Disable on Free version. Sorry.) * Fix Translate. 14.42.4 2025.02.04 * Fix Restored Cart Session. 14.42.3 2025.02.02 * Fix Empty CartItem. @sebkam request. Very Strange. 14.42.2 2025.01.31 * Fix Minor Stuppids Error. Sorry. 14.42.1 2025.01.31 * Fix Minor Stuppids * Fix Product Setup -> General: PlaceHolders for Min, Max, Default Set, Step. * Fix get Min, Max, Default Set, Step from Categories, if is not settings on the Product. * Fix Cart Item Subtotal Round with Item Precision. 14.42 2025.01.29 * Global Update. Now work on WooCommerce 9.5.2 * Now work on Modern Themes like: Astra & e.t.c. * Correct processing of Сoupons is possible only in the Pro version. * Cart Repeat-Again (after complete order) is possible only in the Pro version. 13.41.2 2024.12.02 * Update Translates. 13.41.1 2024.12.01 * Fix Minor PHP Warning. 13.41 2024.11.30 * Add about XML/RSS Feed for WooCommerce. Support: "Google Merchant Center" (Product data specification) whith "Price_Unit_Label", separate hierarchy Categories -> Products. * Tested to WP: 6.7.1 * Tested to WooCommerce: 9.4.2 12.40 2024.10.23 * Fix Auto correction (on Disable) * Tested to WP: 6.6.2 * Tested to WooCommerce: 9.3.3 12.39 2024.06.04 * Show the Stock Threshold as Decimal values with Search and manual Adding Products to the Order. 11.38 2024.05.12 * Fix JS Alert Errors. 11.37 2024.05.08 * Added the possibility of internationalization. * Tested to WP: 6.5.3 * Tested to WooCommerce: 8.8.3 10.36 2024.03.14 * Stock Threshold Processing. (Thanks to: sammyblueeyes & kylie) 10.35 2024.02.26 * Fix Fatal Error woocommerce_quantity_input_args. (Thanks to shawfactor) 10.34 2024.02.23 * Fix Cart Processing for Variation Products. (Thanks to Kylie) * Tested to WooCommerce: 8.6.1 10.33 2024.02.16 * Fix Fatal Error in the admin order screen if the product does not exist anymore. (Thanks to nkals722) 10.32 2024.01.31 * Fix red-view "Pice Unit-Label" about in Product Setup page. * Tested to WP: 6.4.3 * Tested to WooCommerce: 8.5.2 10.31 2023.08.29 * Fix Step Quantity for Parent Product on Woo Order Admin-Page. 10.30 2023.08.27 (for NetMorais special) * Added the ability to use Product - JS Object for Ext.Integration: DPQW_Get_QuantityData (Product_ID) 9.29 2023.07.31 * Fix Step Quantity for Product List & Product Setup. 9.28 2023.07.20 * Fix PHP Warning: Undefined array key "min_qnt", "max_qnt", "stp_qnt". 9.27 2023.07.19 * Fix Placeholder value in Product Categories setup Page. 9.26 2023.07.18 * Add Options "Min, Max, Step" Quantity for Product Categories. * Fix Check Quantity Options. * Fix Uninstall. * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.9.0 8.25 2023.05.24 * Fix Fatal Error (Filter 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link') for "Pice Unit-Label". In some cases, some users. * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.7.0 8.24 2023.05.23 * Add Option "Cost Marker" (Pice Unit-Label). * Tested to WP: 6.2.2 * Update Screenshots. 7.23 2023.05.08 * Fix Options Page. $Errors_Msg. * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.6.1 7.22 2023.04.12 * Add Option "Update Cart Automatically on Quantity Change (AJAX Cart Update)": On/Off (Defaul = Off). * Update Screenshots. 6.21 2023.04.06 * Global Settings "Quantity" moved from: DashBoard -> WooCommerce -> Setup Page -> Products -> Inventory to: DashBoard -> Products -> Decimal Quantity. * The "Quantity" settings for each Product have been moved from the Tab: Product -> Inventory to Tab: Product -> General. * Add Column "Quantity" on Products List. * Validation Options Settings. * Add Option "Browser Console-Log Debuging": On/Off (Defaul = Off). * Add Option "Delete Quantity-MetaData with Uninstall Plugin": On/Off (Defaul = Off). * Update Screenshots. 5.20 2023.04.01 * Add Checking: Default Quantity < Min Quantity * Fix Check Max Quantity 5.19 2023.03.31 * Tested to WP: 6.2 * Fix show test-debug msg. 5.18 2023.03.30 (Thanks Ady DeeJay for Testing) * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.5.0 * Fix Auto correction. * Fix Incr/Decr for some Browsers. * Fix Variation Product processing. * Warning! Possible incompatibility with the active functions of "Ajax Update Cart". 5.17 2023.03.22 * Add Option: "Auto correction Quantity": On/Off (Defaul = On). * Auto correction considering with "Maximum allowed for Product". 4.16 2023.03.21 * Fix Auto correction 4.15 2023.03.21 * Auto correction "No valid value" customer enters to nearest valid value. (Request: Ady DeeJay) 3.14 2023.02.22 * Tested to WP: 6.1.1 * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.4.0 * Fix "Undefined array key "input_name" / "input_value" - as a possible error with some configuration of other Plugins and Themes. 3.13 2022.11.09 * Add Option: "Max Quantity" for Product. (Set Max Quantity - Default for All Products / Set Max Quantity for Any-One Product) * Fix "add to cart message" when Quantity is < 1 * Tested to WP: 6.1 * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.0.1 2.12 2022.10.27 * Change the internal structure. * Fix Default Quantity in Cart. * Tested to WP: 6.0.3 * Tested to WooCommerce: 7.0.0 2.11 2022.10.22 * Fix Save "Min/Step Quantity" for Edit Order (Edit/Refund). 2.10 2022.09.23 * Automatic conversion of previous set values for Products from the previous version. 2.9 2022.09.20 * Fix Save "Min/Step Quantity" for Product. * Tested to WP: 6.0.2 * Tested to WooCommerce: 6.8.2 2.8 2022.05.25 * Fix Quantity in Cart. 2.7 2022.05.20 * Fix Save "Step_Quantity_Default" for Product. * Add Option: "Default preset Quantity" for Product. (Set Default for All Products / Set Default for Any-One Product) * Tested to WP: 5.9.3 * Tested to WooCommerce: 6.2.0 1.4 2021.08.13 * Fix Uninstall. * Fix view Placeholders Step/Min on Product Page. * Fix Decimal Quantity in Message about adding product to Cart. * Tested to WP: 5.8 * Tested to WooCommerce: 5.5.2 1.3 2021.08.09 * Fix Quantity in Cart. 1.2 2021.07.22 * Fix Min. Quantity for Variation. 1.1 2021.04.10 * Initial release