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Deltadromeus Email Checker

开发者 deltadromeus
更新时间 2019年6月4日 21:27
PHP版本: 5.2.4 及以上
WordPress版本: 5.2.1
版权: GPLv2 or later
版权网址: 版权信息


email address check verify checker existence exist


1.0 1.1


Deltadromeus Email Checker verifies if an email submitted on your site really exists. It's an easy-to-use plugin : just add your custom Deltadromeus script URL in the settings and choose to activate or deactivate the email addresses verifications. You need a Deltadromeus account in order to use the service and get your custom script URL. Features This plugin has the following features:


  1. Install the plugin and activate it.
  2. Copy and paste your Deltadromeus Email Checker script URL and hit Save Changes.


  • An example of the admin dashboard plugin settings page.
  • The source code of the site pages. The script URL is automatically added at the end of the code.
  • An example of the admin dashboard plugin settings page.
  • The source code of the site pages. The script URL is automatically added at the end of the code.
  • An example of the admin dashboard plugin settings page.
  • The source code of the site pages. The script URL is automatically added at the end of the code.


1.1 Get french translation.


1.1 1.0