Deluxe Captcha comes with three different capthca solution to prevent spam to get control of your site and mailboxes.
It functions on jQuery library, which is implemented by default in Wordpress. Therefore it is overall compatible and it will always work.
Deluxe Captcha comes with three different captcha soludions: Mathematical Captcha, Alphanumeric Captcha, Color Palette Captcha.
Each module is handled by a shortcode and can easily be implemented into any post/page of your site.
Deluxe Captcha helps designers to implement security without compromising layout.
Easy and efficient solution that does not exacerbate users with indecipherable Picasso's.
No spam, no bots.
Download Deluxe Captcha, extract the folder
Upload it to your /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
Activate the plugin through the \'Plugins\' menu in your WordPress administration panel.
-> Even easier, you can download the plugin from your WordPress administration panel -> plugins section, and let the it do the job for you.
Would there be the option to customize the captcha module?
No, not today. In the next version? Definitely.
Changed Core logic of Deluxe Captcha: it now automatically finds the form to protect
Fixed and improved graphics for the Alphanumeric Captcha
Improved overall performance and security
Fixed a bung in which the theme styles would override the Deluxe Captcha' style